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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"

I almost beat the 9999!

It need more items and stuff, but other then that it was great.

wow super easy and super fun.

1 hit kill on lvl 999. this game needs more levels lol. demon pit + highest sword kills anything but lvl 9999. good job though. graphics arn't bad, game was sure fun.



Okay, Wth Lol I quit at level 20,157
9999 are fcking easy
999 1 hit KO
over 5milcredits I bought every sword and i bought way to many pots....cause I had way to much credits. Please make it harder =.= Its so easy if you kill a lvl 999 guy that levels you up like a good 100 ???!?!?!?! I mean wth?
I gave all 10`s...well because im a nice guy but make it better please.

Im better then that

That's nothing my guy "The Red Death" is at battle lv. 4000 or something around that. But everytime i think i can beat the lv 9999 they kill me with some spell. damn. but all and all sweet game


Hey this was good. Way, way too easy but very addictive. However once you beat a 9999th level enemy or three there's very little left to do.