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Reviews for "AIMvsMSN"

Well that sucked I wish i could have that 30 mins

I wish i could have that 30mins back lol well i got to level 102 and there is no end to it. the power stat upgrader is broke never moved from 5 um music was repetive the combat needs to be evened out and made to like 30 levels with an animation at the end at least man that was long and boaring

Dug it

I got to level 3, I liked it for a one time play kinda game, amused me long enough... moving on

Kind of boring

Got really old really quick, and was way to easy. Here are my stats by teh time I got through thrashing my opponent:

Power: 240
Knowledge: 165
Defense: 205
Level: 120
Potions: 23
Hi-potions: 20
Mega potions: 38
X-potions: 38
Damage dealt: 9999
Damage being taken: 1

It was just silly. All you have to do is add only to your strength, and soon you're killing the other guy off in one hit.


This game showed some real potential. You should come out with the same game but have Myspace vs. Tagworld!! LOL!!


once u 1hit the opponent u can 1hit them for the rest of the game...
i was gettin damage around 150k, kinda sucky seeing max health is 9999... so after level 30 there's no real point to play anymore.