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Reviews for "AIMvsMSN"


The reason i blam is that you have churned out about 10 games all essentially the same, all in les than a day, all with major flaws and too easy. If you want to get a good score put in some FUCKING effort and stop churning out replicas which all suck. NG wants quality not quantity. It was a good game idea and all but ruined by being so easy a 2 year old could win. In fact i find it hard to imagine anyone losing. So sorry for the bad review but please in the future spend a bit more time on your submissions.

Fun gaame

but WAY too easy. The reason for it being too easy is

1) All the computer upgraes is knowlege..

2)Spells are too strong

3) Love the concept but you shoulda made an ending

too easy...


so (as aim) i maxed out on knowledge and i got all the spells... but it turns out that by blindly pressing enter on wink and email (if necessary), msn dies easily. (actually, there seems to be a bug with the damage point numbers when you get to the higher numbers so that even spam kills?)

i like how you have it so when a player dies, the user can start over on the same level. (you tend to die if you have like 4x for power and 9x for knowledge on level 2x's.)

key: use the arrow keys to select the attacks or magic or whatever; enter to choose it. click on the +1 to add to power knowledge or defense on the victory page. max out on knowledge to get the cool magic... and um... easy kills. haxxor apparently takes 206 or so knowledge points.

but is there even an ending? i'm on level 52..... and all i've been doing for the past few levels is casting 1 spell to kill the msn guy in 1 stroke...

I had fun!

Reached lv 239 with all my stats at 400
Took a screenshot of it.
yes... I have no life -_-
I wonder how far it'll go... hmmmm.
I wont continue to repeat what has already been said. Hope to see further tweaks to this game if there are ever any more sequels.


this was a quality flash. just one problem. when I upgraded the power, my skill pionts went down but power was unchanged.