hmm pretty bad
not too bad graphic wise, but its just too easy! you just keep casting highest spell and winning. if you attack or do anything else, you die.
hmm pretty bad
not too bad graphic wise, but its just too easy! you just keep casting highest spell and winning. if you attack or do anything else, you die.
You can do better.
Try harder next time instead of wasting your time on this.Its to easy and its just the same the next level and next.
Much to easy... endless game... booring
Stoped at lvl 51 because i don't think there will be an end...
you can put every stat point at strengh... just trigger space and left mouce... <.<
Never ever could see what others see in this style of fighting. Oh select an option from a menu over and over again without any form of movement or any additional control? Fuck that, so tedious. Mind u i always was an active person. I guess aside from that the game is ok... theme wasn't funny for shit. Graphics looked alright, sound was ok nothing special. Can't believe u bothered making this to be honest mate.
A colossal failure on all important accounts.
I am so incredibly appauled by the fact that this submission not only passed, but it got a high enough score to get an "awesome score" blue border. Newgrounds itself has succumb to such a state that it's no longer a medium of any artistic expression what-so-ever. Let alone anything of actualy substance. Yes, you know how to make something in flash. On all accounts, you are one of the better skilled flash artists I've seen. But you have absolutely no concept of how to actually make a game work. It's a joke. Your submissions have been a complete and utter disgrace to the true gamer, and anyone who gave this garbage a passing score shouldn't be fit to judge anything. I refuse to submit anything contructive in this review, simply because if you pawn this garbage off as something playable, and you've deluded yourself in to thinking this is "quality", you are too much of a moron to actually listen to it.