It's fun
How do you win, though? I got to July 2033 and then got bored.
It's fun
How do you win, though? I got to July 2033 and then got bored.
pretty good
very clever and good. nice work
exceptional little game
well i say little game - but really this is a thoroughly involving and well thought out game. well well worth the look. i got very involved in it too although i suck... majorly... couldnt avoid bankruptsy if my life depended on it. trickier than it looks i confess! damn board of directors... even though the artwork wasnt incredibly detailed it was simple and effective. very good job! please make more!
I'm lovin it!
---The animation is soo cute! Its pretty fun and addicting i just felt that it was perhaps too fast. Everything is so expensive and money is bearly earned, tough game. Great entry!
c.a.a.h 06
Game is way too hard, every approach i take, i go bankrupt!