This game is actually really easy, just follow these steps and I guarantee you will hit $1,000,000 by year 2055.
1) Make 2 soy fields, use GMO.
2) Wait for harvest, then add 3 pastures with 3 cows each.
3) As soon as the first set of cows go to the feedlot, pause the game and do the following:
- Add hormones and industrial waste to the fodder.
- Hire all 6 staff.
- Activate “The food pyramid” and “Children want McDonald’s”.
- Corrupt the politician and health officer.
4) Resume game. From here on out, there are only 2 things you must do:
- After every 3rd generation of cows, sell the land they
were on and place new ones on the other 3 lots. Keep alternating like this.
- Make sure that all employees are either happy or calm.
That’s all there is to it. Once you’ve completed step 3, you literally don’t even have to visit the feedlot or headquarters at all for the rest of the game. Don’t worry about diseased cows because the health officer will prevent any problems. Also don’t hesitate to fire unhappy workers (they slow down sales), having the politician prevents strikes so no worries. There’s no need to bribe the mayor or deforest at all…the 8 lots of land you start with are plenty. You should be completing step 3 by early 2003, and from that point on you’ll be profiting about $1650/month on average for however long you feel like playing. For the record, there are ways to cut spending and earn money even faster but it requires you to do a lot more. This strategy will work just fine and it’s so easy to do. Enjoy, and you’re welcome! (By the way if you are seeking a challenge, I would suggest trying to hit $1,000,000 before 2040. It’s difficult but possible!)