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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"

Very cool.

I really liked how you portrayed Mickey D's in the different little stages of how it's done. I think it's hilarious you should made more of these little games for just about every time of high power profit eaters.


that game ROCKED it was hard but cool. i got to 10 years and played it 15 times. it is the best game i hav played in newgrounds


It was all good but i suck at these kinda games so i got out of money all the time... anyway good job!

Beautiful but confusing.

Wonderful graphics and layout, the tutorial was really good too. Can't fault it. Professional, felt like a real sim game! But actually playing the game, everything went wrong really fast and I couldn't quite understand why. I ran out of burgers and I couldn't figure out how to fix it xD

I would suggest that it should start out a bit slower at the beginning, or have an tutorial that actually lets you play the game for a bit first so you can figure everything out.


LOL Tony from SoF the noob that works at Mcdonalds that flash is soo good tony ur such a noob ROFLOLOLOLOLOL