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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"

Ah, i remember this game. Can't believe that next year it'll be 10 years of this game.

Now that's what i call A "Classic Game!"

P.S The music at the start of the game never gets old. (Dancing)

Yay.. I'm having so much fun.... wait. Did me just call me to dinner? Oh god.. I've been playing since 3:00... Its 8:00. *facepalm* Oh well. I got to May 2080 :D Thanks for a great time consumer and a very fun sim game! :)

Great game. Got to 2035 for the first time. Would've gone longer but I get impatient, oh well. Like someone else said, profit is profit. Just wait it out. Forget that "not sufficient growth" crap. Just don't put industrial waste in the fodder. Downsize everything else if you have to.

Addictive gameplay, simple graphics. Lots of fun.

Damn i remember playing this in elementary school and now i'm about to graduate high school

For the first time in forever, I actually managed to play this game for more than 5 minutes. I made it to 2071 before all my 50,000 dollars dropped into the negatives when I wasn't paying attention for about five seconds, for no apparent reason... I had a pretty good balance going on too. :/

There's not much point reviewing a game that I played when I was eight years old, so I'm not really going to bother, except to say that the audio was all around pretty obnoxious. >.<

Anyway, a couple tips: Start out with two of everything. Two fields (one cow, one grain), two workers (cashier and the sandwich maker). And just stay there for a while.
-Turn on the hormones and put pesticides on the crops. If you fall into bad standing with anyone, corrupt one of the politicians related to that. (Obesity Association will always get you eventually though.)
-Don't fire too many workers at once, and only if they're angry.
-Don't worry if they say the queue is too long because it doesn't even affect anything.
-When the cow's fields get bright yellow stains on it, sell the field and build a new one somewhere else until it goes up again. Always leave one field open.
-Don't put toxic waste or animal flour into the food. If it says the thing is full, sell a couple hay fields, but I don't think it matters.
-Don't destroy the rainforest or village, corrupt the San Jose leader if you run out of room.
-Check on your profit, and only start using advertisements when you can afford it. Don't worry if it says the growth isn't sufficient, as long as you're making profit.
-You annoy the environmentalists by letting the fields get too dirty or trashing rainforests, the food poisoning people by putting pesticides on the hay or letting sick cows get slaughtered, the obesity association by putting hormones in the food, and the workers by firing too many people. When you get a pop-up, always corrupt a politician, then turn the politician off once the people are happy.