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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


this was indeed really cool. a few jokes were not funny like the wario land one and the super mario 2 skit has been used tons of times. another thing I don't like is.....you took my idea for a flash series called pixel TV! i was gonna do what you did here, except less games would be used. its OK though because yours was better anyways. :/

not bad

i liked it but sum werent funny... but i love that u put alot of games it's very nice but i never knew some games... keep it up u have great talent.


I'm not exactly sure what to say about this one, as it was so random, but the little bit with Earthworm Jim was my favorite!


Thank u for bringing back old memorys and making them funny and wierd :)
Keep up the good work

Great <(-.-<)

great mix... and i agree with the next guy... what didnt you use!