Great stuff
Worthy of front page indeed, nice work.
Great stuff
Worthy of front page indeed, nice work.
hehe pretty good.
I know that must of taken a lot of work but most of the skits I just found mediocre... sorry :/ The best one was the Michael Jackson joke hahahaha nice job.
God I love that fucking monkey!
hehe, those are the good ol' days...
I love this collab! the collection of games are nice. This sorta bugged me though, Did you get the fuzzy screen transition from robot chicken? and also, if you could, tell me the name of the game with the malfunctioning spiky yo-yo? I remember it vaguely from a while back and its the only game in there that I cant recall! I loved this collab and hope you can answer my questions too.
That monkey is just too funny!!!
"AAAAAAAAAAA--.......--AAAAAA--....--AAA--...--AAAH!!!" XD