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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


it was very nicely done
nice graphics and great sound
you must like nintendo/sega/GBA games

keep going and you will someday make to the top ;)

Some of the skits were great, others not so much.

Some of the jokes were awsome but others were just stupid and immature. Someone pooping in the middle of the sidewalk just isn't funny. Other things were great though (using the Kiwi sprite from Shining Force II, one of the greatest Genesis games ever) and really inspired a nostalgic feeling for longtime gamers. Also, was the audio in the Chrono Trigger sketch "Enter the Frog" from OC remix?

Some very good shorts in there.

That was a very good movie(?), with the exception of about 15. You should try more original stuff, other than just getting hit by random things all the time. And that damn Ice Climber got what he deserved.

Great stuff

Worthy of front page indeed, nice work.

I gotta say...I didn't want that to end.

Makes me nostalgic as hell.

Great movie!