Tom's right, you don't need an attention span!
I love how fast each sketch goes by. Their all so simple and effortless, yet at the same time hilarious! Best collab ever! Seriously! Make more! Make more!
Tom's right, you don't need an attention span!
I love how fast each sketch goes by. Their all so simple and effortless, yet at the same time hilarious! Best collab ever! Seriously! Make more! Make more!
BEST FLASH EVAR! (yes i spelled it 'evar')
Dudes, that rocked! I gave the graphics a 9 because even though they are sprites they are damn-good sprites, and most are true to their original games. Sound was awesome, each game had the music and sounds we remember so dearly. This SERIOUSLY makes me wanna dust off my SNES and pop in Chrono Trigger and Breath of Fire II one more time...
its just like robot chicken!
That was really good!!! a bit o' laggy but awesome!
All of these skits are very funny! LOL!