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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

I liked this flash when it was still underground.

I say that because I am absolutely sure that this is going to make it on the top 50 and, eventually, become a Newgrounds classic. Conratulations (in advance for making the top 50) and excellent work!

Graphics, style, sound were all 10's because you stuck to the original sound and appearance and style of the games you featured.

Violence gets a 1 because there is some slapstick, but nothing beyond that.

Humor is 9 because a few of your jokes didn't make me laugh, but the ones that did were HILARIOUS.

10/10, baby!

Good layout!

Could be a good series. Keep the humor going!

I'd put 3 thumbs up if I had 'em.

It was great I laughed at all of them except the TMNT one, but I suppose it gets hard to think after a while huh?! lol.

The screaming monkey. You cant even comment on that it was so funny ... Oh wait I just did. You all did great. Do more like this. It really is great for us people with ADHD!! Anywhoo Excellent, I'll put up all the thumbs I have. ............................ I think thats 2, Maybe.
(Scratches head.)

omg how am i going to get out

can't stop laughing can someone get me some acnce cream


lol loved the part with the screaming monkey!