Its a mixed bag
I loved the wide variety of games you used, but what is up with dungeons obsessions with farts? Some of the skits were hilarious, and some were.....well bland. And dont say its cause i didnt get the humor because i recognized every single game in the movie. I think the skittlez and bitz offers better skits. check them out if you get the chance. Ahh well onto the Final judgement
Strong points:
Wide verioty of games
Some hilarious skits
Uses a sense of humor old school gamers can really appreciate
Good length, enough to enjoy but doesnt drag on forever
Weak points:
Some rather bland comedy in some sketches
Fart jokes
Some obcure games The modern gamer wouldnt understand ( ala kid chameleon, adventure island 3, etc)
I think that if this group teamed up again and created a sequal, it could earn my rare 5 vote