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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


This is just Funny. I love this. Keep up the great work!


Omg...memories...great job I loved it. ^-^

Holy bum bum sex!

Dude, that was EXCELLENT! I LOVED the super metroid spoof where they were chanting Do it! do it! hahahah but you should of included secret of evermore and illusion of gaia... those were two snes games worthwhile for your movie ^^

2-D gamers dream

Now i'm a 2-D Gamer, and i loved seeing all my old fav. games in little skits, very cool! Some i will say were a little lame, but then you also had some really great ones to make up for it. At some points i wished there was some more sound fx. But over all, it was very good, keep it up. o.O

Good, BUT...

some of the music was wrong, like the ninja gaiden scene, that music was from the teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade game
(which was also made for NES, which is how i know that)