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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

hell yeah

fucking good job with the sprite animation.


this thing rocked it was so fuuny the earthbound one sucked sorry but the rest was so dam funny!

Not a Piece of Crap.

This is a bunch of Fun to watch, though some..wait no, MOST of the things on here had the potential of being alot funnier. Take the Wario Ware 4 at the end, I was like "WTF is this?" It didn't make me laugh, but just to say, Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario 3 did make me laugh with that Monkey screaming. The Earthbound Joke almost made me Throw up, it wasn't funny, it was just gross. But pretty Much, it's not a Randy Movie, but it's alright.

Not the best sprite movie.

In most parts, I was REALLY disappointed.
In some parts, I didn't exactly like them or dislike them,
but near the end it got quite a bit better.

Nice work!


Most of the scenes didn't make me laugh, anyway there was a few good scenes too. The humor was too "for kids" style and some jokes I didn't understand at all...