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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Great Flash!

I Have To Say This Made Me Laugh Its Going Into My Favorites I Look Forward To More Submissions (Did I Spell That Right?).


Nice job this flash was great I loved the use of sprites my favorite part was the Secret of Mana Chrono Trigger Compairson I always thought they where rip offs of each other. Nice job keep up the good work

It was funny

but it couldn't hurt to have sonic, in the sonic part


You had a massive range of gaming styles so that something was great for everyone, it was really funny and brought back all them good classics into my life, I'm gunna go play super mario world!
P.S. got an extended movie of the samus one ;) ? <3 Hentai

A bit hit & miss, but very funny

They can't all be solid gold, though. Great work, very funny stuff in there. Hope to see another collection like this.