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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

i LIKE IT I LOVE IT....you know the rest

AWSOME. U TOTALLY PWNED IT. I lOVED IT PIXLE PARADISE! Your use of original pixals was awsome and it was funny as heck. or you just got on my good side and put a blizzard game in it (lost vikings XD) Or you got on my badside and i accidently put tens ( AHHHHHH SONIC EWWWW!) but overall GREAT! AWSOME! SIMON WOULD OF LIKED IT. MAKE MORE!

Flippin funny

Nice one this is great stuff hopefully you make more. smb2 was the best lol.

i have adhd

well your submission was quite nice and all, the add tv is nice and
but the only thi--
ooh look a plastic bag.

What Can I say I'm a Sucker For A.D.D. TV

Imagine If Robot Chicken Inpregnated Our Loveable games of yesteryear, No Imagine that Baby Tearin ass All over Newgrounds Than U might have an Idea of WHat this Title Is capable Of.... Very Good work! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! BTW! Awesome Use of Sound Effects!

verry, verry nice

that is awsome dude, i wish all pariodies were like that, thats solid dude!!!