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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


This movie is very entertaining if you have a vintage knoledge of video games (i.e. At least know classic NES.).

Into my favorites with ya!

This one's goin into my favorites!

Loved the screaming monkey!


some were terrible, others were great and madde up for it. All in all it was superb, a lot of work went into it i can see and i'm reeeeeeeally glad there's the scene select ^^

It was alright

It would have been better if you concentrated your efforts to make each skit as good as it could be, instead of thinking: "Hey, we should add another one!".

One or two made me laugh. The farm one and the frog one come to mind.

3/5 for the work done here, but I think your joke writing could be a whole lot better. Too many "walk-on-and-die" skits and too many fart jokes.

(I rated your style low because 99% of it is not your art)

n1k go die pissing in cereal wtf?

i also agree that the jokes were lame, only chuckled in like 2 also the rest were just characters falling or being squashed. I dont agree that this deserves frontpage and maybe next time if you are thinking of making another ^.- , use orginiality in your humour and please have the parts go longer and dont stretch it with the characters moving for a longer amount of time, add something to it.