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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


nice so nice im giving you .75 more points nicely done but i'm really angry for reminiding me of the turles but anyway nice job gets a 4.

That was great

The Samus sketch was by far the funniest. More voices should have been added like in that! Would have made it perfect.
Graphics, were pretty much flawless and although most of the scenes ended in death, it was really quite entertaining.
You got my 5.

its a robot chicken of classic characters

i still remember the names of alot of those games. dusty lot.

ahhhhh....good'ol old school flash backs in my day

Great concept! And the great games u guys picked were also great except some of them really didn't deserve to be on there at all. But still this flash is a trip down memory lane without that corny crapping scenes

Hmm not a hardcore gamer are ya?

The Genesis is a 16 bit system. the Super Nintendo is 32 bit dude
If you didnt know O_O.

Still good just remember k?