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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


my god the one flash ive been looking for to good even for the greatest web site on earth ive never seen a full feature legnth film on newgrounds i couldnt give you the ammount of points this earns theres only one and only one down fall to the whole ilm and that is you didnt make the people look 3d and they preety much sucked as 2ds but all and all keep up the outstanding work mcfretn

Holy shit that was fucking awsome but.............

ITZ TOOO FUCKING AWSOME TOO ONLY GET A FREGGIN 4.42 THIS SHOULD GET A FUCKING 5!!!!!!!!!!! dude your a flash masta yo i cant wait to see more damn you are going on my fav flash maker cause that was tyte yo your the only person thatz made flash that i thought should get a 5. great job dude i hope i see more of your work soon :)


This is COMPLETELY groundbreaking animation that I've seen today. There is no equal to it on Newgrounds, or, I suspect, anywhere else on the net in Flash Animation.

The detail in the ships, the pace of the action, the smoothness and skill of the camera angle....it's just perfect. Right down to the glint in the eye of the pilot who went kamikaze.

This will be number one of the Portal soon. I can see it already.

hey thats good.

but shoot, some one needed to go in the cruiser and kill the men controllling it like an undercover mission. that would have made it 4 times better. Did you use SWIFT 3d in the process of htis flash?

McFretN responds:

No, swift 3D doesnt support textures thats why i dont like it. Oh and that someone would have to take on about 100 crew, and this isnt a rambo movie ;)

absolute sweetness

awesome simply amazing. Liked the style for the fire effects putting this flash on favorite list now