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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Nice one!

This is very, very cool! Nice audio and awesome movie! Keep up the good work!

How can this be less than #1 on the Portal?!

AWESOME MOVIE! SOunds effects were great, graphics were fantastic, especially when the turrets started firing...this is phenominal!

Nice animation

Very Star-Wars-esque. I like.

...I don't get it... but it's good...

I have no dam clue what just went on... but it was fricken awesome... until you got to the guy... who was sort of screwy lookin'... but it was awesome... what with the blowing up and the crap dying... and the reality... sort of...


Just the sort of thing I'd expect from the (in some circles) legendary McFretN.
I thought you said you had retired from the flash animation scene.
It's good to have you back!