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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Mcfretn you never cease to amaze me

You where the first animator that caught my eye with your movies on NG.And when you left for so long i was pretty upset.When i saw this on the front page i knew it was gonna be good(because it seems all you ever let hold you back in flash is the boundries of flash itself)your animation is top notch none can match your 3d skill. None. this is top notch and belongs on the fromt page and definitley in the top 10 movies. I really hope you get some inpsiration to continue brutality which is my favirote flash fighting movie ever,But whatever you decide to do next whether it be another awesome game or movie im looking foward to it!

McFretN responds:

Thanks for reviewing. It is mostly the faster computers these days that open up new possibilities. If this was made 3 years ago, only few would be able to watch it with decent framerate

cool movie

great graphics an great movie the sound was mint the music was prob a bit off but it was cool the authors who made this have dun a good job

It was an awesome 3D movie

Definitely the best on newgrounds! But honnestly I got to say I was quite disappointed by your animation, it wasn't looking like a McFretN's one. I'm one of your fan since a long time and ... well I miss your old hand-animated style. I think something like the three other combat instincs or brutality would have been better ...

one of the better films

this is one of the better films i found on new ground i loved the 3-d animation and the music keep it up

oh my god


ps make brutality 2