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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Wow, just wow!

No wonder its on the front page, thats all i have to say :D

It reminded me so much of Freespace 2, bah ill have to dig out my logitek 3D joystick and attempt to get it working again :P

the one thing missing from the battle scenes is beam weapons ;D if youve seen Freespace then you'll agree that would of made the battle so much more interesting.

you should make more, or a sequal in one way after this... the only problem then would be trying to live up to this one :p

good job, keep up the good work.

*clap clap clap clap clap*

Brilliant, worth a fuggin medal, loved it, cant hate it, love the music, downloading it, want to see it again, will stop talking...

Damn Impressive!!!!

THAT! has to be the best animation I've seen since watching Bitey's encounter with the prowlies.

I really at a loss for words to descride the work and supreme and obvious passion to make something this beautiful come to life......

All I can say for sure is MORE, MORE, MORE!!!!

I hope this is a short series that your planning on making?

McFretN responds:

your speculation is correct


This was insane stuff man. The graphics were so good, I was absolutely shocked at the quality. The action was intense too, I started to sweat from anticipation to see who was going to win. The ending could have been cooler maybe, but it was still awesome none the less and therefore a must watch.

Loved the effects, and it's going down as one of my favorites! Keep up the good work! Voting 5, Peace Out!

Phobos Technology, Phobotech.