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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

Great tribute to old school anime

That was really good . Shows what the old anime really looked like and how far it has come into the present

You should all shut up

i give you a 5 mate this is very good i was sitting back and watching it going ahaa man good times. I loved the music. the way you played it reminded me of trailers for anime but in a good way. I loved how you showed the old school stuff and to anyone here who didnt like it SOD OFF MAKE SOMETHING BETTER YOU BLOODY TWADS!!!

Keep it up mate. Just three things i missed though Robotech, Gatchaman, speed racer, and doh brain fart . Anyway it was all good

Jesus Mark...

I've always liked your comet magnum stuff. But this is amazing. Rock on!


Cool music

Well this kinda weird but also somehow cool but music was good.

Great job!!

But you didn't have Robotech in there.......