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Reviews for "Jackpot Jim Episode 1"

Very funny!

xD! this is a great movie! please make more!

good stuff

make more of em now!




though Comet Magnum has ended, this movie has carried on the brillience of CM.
because of course the style and the way the characters are drawn i find rather original.
Also the way your animations are set out, with the characters being shown from each view.
the animation also has good sound and the quality of the sound is amazing, it makes it more like a movie.
so all i can say is CM has burned but the memory remains in Jackpot Jim.
i hope everyone gives this a good review because its unfair to give a legend a bad view of a brilliant animation. i enjoyed the movie, WELL DONE.

pretty good

that was pretty good. yeah. I hope unless you already did make more of these. good luck. and dont make me ranble.