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Reviews for "Lars Hunter #1"


I was laughing my pants off every time lars went back to the "joy house"
and especially whenhe was in the black smith
keep it up i cant wait to see more of ur series

Hehe.. jäkligt rolig

..rolig film.. fast de var dålig kvalitet på ljudet.. keep up the good work :D

Den første GODE norske på Newgrounds!!

I hvert fall som jeg har sett.
Man kan høre at personene(ihvertfall Lars)kommer fra Norge.
For de som ikke forstår det norske språket:
Skal snart se dine andre inlegg:)

JKN responds:

Takk benny! Bra at du likte den!

that twas grate

Wow that was pretty cool (albeit a little queer).
Nice theme and your style is chillmode. I don't really think it needs a sequel tho.

oh golly gosh!

the butcher guy was like the greatest character ever! he was so damn amazing, especially his voice. Wow! i wish i was him!

JKN responds:

How true... Heh?!