not bad
pretty funny, could use a lil better graphics. i liked the idea/plot. keep goin w/ it
not bad
pretty funny, could use a lil better graphics. i liked the idea/plot. keep goin w/ it
sjuk serie
sucked hardcore
that wasn't very good. the voice acting and narration were horrible and the idea was just dumb. try harder next time.
Come on!
I know you can do better.
Of course but not today
could be better.
I found the animation to be alot like southpark in the fact that peoples legs did not move when they walked. I did not like the voice actors they were a little dull, as was the humor. They need to be more lively. The sound was not very good, but then neither are my speakers. There was very little to the story line aswell. I see potential, so keep at it.