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Reviews for "Lars Hunter #1"


A neat style of flash animation. The narrator was a neat idea during the movie. ALso this was an intresting movie with a funny storyline with past times of castle time brougt alive and made funny. Also the music went along well. A funny movie a sick yet funny storyline.

Overall a well animated movie with a sick theme and funny voices. Hope to see more of this seris.


That was so funny i almost pissed my pants!
PS.Good Movie!

Um...I didn't like it too much

It was a good idea, but it was just kinda there. Maybe if you had like more of a detailed story or something...don't get me wrong, at least your flashes don't get blammed like mine always do. So I guess you're doing something right...so keep it up.

Hehe.. jäkligt rolig

..rolig film.. fast de var dålig kvalitet på ljudet.. keep up the good work :D

Den første GODE norske på Newgrounds!!

I hvert fall som jeg har sett.
Man kan høre at personene(ihvertfall Lars)kommer fra Norge.
For de som ikke forstår det norske språket:
Skal snart se dine andre inlegg:)

JKN responds:

Takk benny! Bra at du likte den!