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Reviews for "Lars Hunter #1"

Som vanlig.....DRIT BRA

Men.....Noe dårlig lyd....

Jeg har sett på ALLE filmene dine(ja Alle) og jeg må si at dette er ikke den beste(Pipe er de beste)

Du/Dere har en genial sans for humor, og jeg elsker stilen på tegningene!.

Gleder meg til å se Lars hunter #2.

og du, er Lars basert på en ekte person??:p

JKN responds:

Vet det med lyden, kunne stilt alt på 'event' men da ville file sizen vært større ;/ Anyway takk! Og Nei... Lars Hunter er ikke basert på noen ekte person.

Dumbest thing I have ever seen in my lifetime.

Alright, I've seen some pretty bad crap on Newgrounds. But this wow, it's a master piece. OF CRAP THAT IS. First of all the characters kept switching voices and not only that but the voices sucked. Second there was absolutly no point to the story. I mean can't you think of something more original that a horny gay medieval boy??? Seriously you are so messed up to do a cartoon on that. Okay, I do agree that the drawings were quite good, but apart from that WAS ANYTHING??? NO!!! NOW TAKE YOUR F*CK UP MOVIE AND GET OUT OF HERE. I am very disappointed in Newgrounds members having rated this movie that high.

JKN responds:

There is a point u stupid woman. Its about Lars trying to live his life, mb i offended you in some way? hehe


jag hopppas du förstår vad jag skriver nu, men jag måste ju säga att nin orrmän kan va lite roliga fast ni förlorar ju jämt på vasa loppet!:D
fast snyggt ritat och ganska rolig så en femma!!
din norska jävel!

Good work on this one, great graphics n stufff!1 five

JKN responds:

Tusen takk Svenske


I liked it, it was different to your other stuff.

sucked hardcore

that wasn't very good. the voice acting and narration were horrible and the idea was just dumb. try harder next time.