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Reviews for "Gerald Ford's Life"

Seek help...soon.

Holy jumpin' Jesus that was something else,strange,pointless,yet somehow it captured my utmost attention and encouraged me to lay down a good score for it.My only complaint is that Gerald Ford AKA:"Mr. Duh",should have taken a bite out of Walter Mondale or perhaps nibbled on Geraldine Ferraro,that would have made a fine cinematic moment.

That was weird. I could tell from the animation it was you. At first I thought DrunkMagiKoopa made this. Ford dealt with Fidel Castro? Well, he was the leader of Cuba forever. I couldn't even find the "Play" button at first.

Godfart? What a strange name. This was certainly creative at least. It was a bit too short. It was still watchable.

What the hell lol

It was stupid, but it was funny. Good job taking something like a former president that doesnt have the last name bush or clinton and making it atleast a little bit enjoyable.

Too fucking weird

WTF. Thaat was some weird shit.


Dude!! WTF? I love the beebo shit, but damn!! That really blew out loud!! Sorry man.