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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

A pretty good movie

Nice animation but not my type of humor.

Not bad, or original

Killing old people and making fun with it...not new, but hey you pulled it off. Good for you.


stupid just the way i like it it could of been longer and why didnt that green thing die??

DeathRayGraphics responds:

Okay, for the last time: Nana buzzed in and saved the green floaty head thing, which is why she died instead. Yeesh! You'd think this were Dungeons & Dragons the way you guys follow the rules! Plus, why do you all hate Supremor so much? Seems like everyone wanted him dead.

Hmmm....an idea forms...


too...many..big..words. brane hirt

Most impressive

References to All your base, Dune, The Price is right, Poking fun at the smartest guy alive and Poking fun at Grandma, great stuff. Worth a look.