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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


Wow! this is awsome! It was long but worth it, it was funny, good graphics and the granny made me laugh! And when u have to pick at the end to Save Granny or kill her...i choose "Save her" cuz i felt sorry for poor little Granny!
-Good job! make more!

insanely funny

that was rediculously funny.
good job!
maybe some more choices..that would have been nice.
i'm gonna go check out the comic book website thingy.
keep em comin!


That was one of the funniest things i have ever seen keep up the good work you get a 5 from me ;)


YEAAAAAH!!!! Finally, Dune makes it on newgrounds. This is the greatest day ever! Props to that man....I am the Kwisatz Haderach!!!! Excellent movie, keep it up.

Super Gramma!

good god this Movie is Great! Only thing i dont like is that it is kinda short other wise this ROCKS!!

4 to this movie