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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Really funny..

I love the rendition of stephen hawking and the cloud of mindsucking intellect was funny too...tho grandma was wierd.....wierd x10. I love the addition to the All Your Base with stephen hawking...kept me laughing. Keep up the good work, this one definatly deserves the spot its at.

Great, yo

Loved it, gfx, sound, humor... great movie!

Well Done.

Very entertaining but not quite as funny as I thought it would be. Still, there are some very funny things going on in that movie and Jason is to be congratulated.

Special mention to the brilliant voices and soundtrack.

Ha! Death! Ha! Suffering! So much fun

Great job, lots of humour, lots of violence, good graphics, good sound, overall great job. Good luck on your next one!

I liked it.

I especially liked the burning skeloten. It was great art. (is that how to spell ^ ???)