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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

It's decent, but a little screwed up

I liked the use of the synthesizer, the guy sounded hilarious. Everything was good, except for one thing. I actually felt sorry for Nana! It's a poor old woman on a game show with Alzheimer's and up against two people no one would stand a chance against. I liked how Supreme Intelligence read the one man's(forgot his name) mind. The animation was good, but I don't like killing old ladies :(

DeathRayGraphics responds:

Nana replies: "Please don't worry, dear. That ball only drilled into a part of my brain I haven't used since Autumn of '63. Back then umbrellas were known as "bumbershoots," and our nation was united in mourning the loss of Johnny Nukamunavok, the first Eskimo on the moon. Later that year wedding cake...wedding cake...is there any wedding cake left?


shits hot yo keep on going yo



Great job!

But what voice synthesizer did you use for Mr. Hawking's voice?

DeathRayGraphics responds:

it's called "MS Talkit"


YEAAAAAH!!!! Finally, Dune makes it on newgrounds. This is the greatest day ever! Props to that man....I am the Kwisatz Haderach!!!! Excellent movie, keep it up.