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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


That was absolutely great! Not only did it have the hilarious gratitous violence, but it was smart too. I just loved Stephen Hawking in this, all we needed was him to say All Your Base Are Belong to Us. The graphics were great, the dialogue was funny. The only beef I have is that sometimes I couldn't understand what the Supreme Intelligence said sometimes. I also appreciated the reference to Phantasm using the orb thingies.
Great work.


That was awesome.... and oh yes there IS a way to go back the choices without having to watch the movie... at the end click the button at the bottom.


what is it the grandma says if u save her i dont get it and whys she make rain

funniest thing next to riots

it made me cry with laughter

Please don't kill Nana!

Holy crap that was awesome!!!