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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


it was kick ass, but i let nana live and there was no button "back to choice" only a complete replay...

dat fan

now dat was some funny shit

One of the Greats

The fact that you get to choose her death and that she is the "Kwaitz Haderach!" when you choose for her to live is totally great. Not to mention the argument between the Supreme Intelligence of The Kreel empire and Steven Hawking.

good but i reconigze that ball

its the cerebral bore from turok. it ocks on to your brain and stciks to your head and then drills your brain out..... but good anyway.

Simply lovely

This is really good! Quality stuff! The humor is to laugh your ass off, the graphics are perfectly cartoony, the voices are lovely stereotypical, and, as a Dune-fan, I love the Kwisatz Haderach en the Eyes of Ibad-stuff.
Love you, my man! Love you!