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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Goody Goody

Heh, great movie, hope Newgrounds will recieve more off these 1's.
All i can say for now, 1 Neat Nanna u got there.. :P


awesome movie. i liked how you got to chose her fate. i appreciate the fact that i didnt have to watch it all over again to pick "save her". one small problem though: in your "save her" movie loop, you should take the "(well, just the one)" out of your credits because if you save her, she wasnt hurt. just a small problem. excellent work.

DeathRayGraphics responds:

Nana had several stage lights fall and hit her on the head during filming, and the caterer also punched her in the kidneys for no reason. But she is doing fine now, and doesn't remember a thing. She also needs to be changed.

Funny As Hell!

I loveed the Supreme Intelligence and Chip Nipples. lol.
Tmoore1001-a.k.a. Mr. Blonde


it's the best movie i've seen in a while! i liked the way you combined elements from many popular genres and series, but i absolutely loved the end where you saved nana and she said: I am the Kwisatz Haderach! LOL good work dude!


That was absolutely great! Not only did it have the hilarious gratitous violence, but it was smart too. I just loved Stephen Hawking in this, all we needed was him to say All Your Base Are Belong to Us. The graphics were great, the dialogue was funny. The only beef I have is that sometimes I couldn't understand what the Supreme Intelligence said sometimes. I also appreciated the reference to Phantasm using the orb thingies.
Great work.