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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Bloody Excellent

Absolutely great, I had to save her the first time around....I did not get what I expected, what I got was a prompt to go pop in a DVD of you-know-what...This was one of the more enjoyable things I have seen lately. Good show!

Great Movie

This was a great submission. Good graphics and sound fused with some great humor makes a great flash. Great job on this and keep up the good work.

yes dune rules!!

great movie!! hilarious with the brains goin at it, stephpen hawking cussing, and granny being muah'dib and all, gotta love those dune references


NANAS MY HERO...die Steven Hawking DIE U SONOFABITCH.Good movie,im sorry i forgot to take my pppppills hehe SAVE THE WORLD FROM THE KREE.

Pretty good.

One of the better movies I've seen. It had me laughing throughout it, what with Stephen Hawking and the Supreme Intelligence of The Kree Empire at odds with each other. The granny voiceover was very well done too, as was the announcer's voice. Good job on this one. *Clicks the 5.*

DeathRayGraphics responds:

Thank you Fluxy, and thank you all! My ego is as large as the Supreme Intelligence's, and I crave every vote like heroin!