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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Heh, pretty good.

I never knew Prof. Hawkings was Kats on AYB. Lol! Nice job. Needed more choices like diffent things to slay nana with but still good.

But isn't...

The most dangerous game an old short story?

Technically primitive, but oh-so-fucking-hilarious

I've seen slicker graphics, but the wicked sense of humor was a delight. And of course you can never have too many Frank Herbert references. Eat your heart out, David Lynch!

Oh Dear

Great kick ass video great video poor grandma


That Was Pretty Damn Bad. I Liked The Graphics Tho. If The Granny Died In A More Spectacular Way, Like Turning Into A Grapefruit And Being Juiced, Then It Would Have Been Worthy Of At Least A Little Bit Of Praise. Mmmm. Grapefruit.