Oh yea!! good one! this flash has every thing you really need! crippled injustice, supreme beings and heart throbbing, blood splattering violence!! Plus, that granny had it commin' to her!
Oh yea!! good one! this flash has every thing you really need! crippled injustice, supreme beings and heart throbbing, blood splattering violence!! Plus, that granny had it commin' to her!
it was ok.
but yea those are from the phantasm... great movie series. nothing beats it. espesialy the 4 barrel shotgun reggy has.. i want that gun
Stephen Hawking is God!
I still think Steven Hawking should have won...
BTW, the weapon that killed Nana, as well as the little midget monk things, are (of course!) taken from the Phantasm movie series, NOT TUROK. Repeat, Phantasm, NOT TUROK. The game designers working on Turok must've stolen it. Goddammit, haven't any of you seen Phatasm? If not, go check it out!
Great movie,but.....
the weapon that killeed Nana looks just like a weapon that is used in turok 2,the cerebral bore.
Great Nana killing but it could be better
The cerebral bore was good but it could have used some disembodyment but it was good non the less that's all for now from the Shadowed Spirit