At 7/12/07 01:01 PM, CybermonkeyStudios wrote:
Looking for some feedback on this walkcycle I made recently. Thanks for any helpful comments! vie_skezz_walk_cycle.php
It looks alright for what it is, but by 'what it is' I mean it looks limited. He doesnt move his legs to much, but if its enough for you that's cool. You should have a go at doing a completely average walk cycle - so no expression on the character (here, yours is looking very unenthused for example), just the basic motion of an average person walking.
And btw I really dont like how his face looks. What a weird jaw. Its cool using graphics/movieclips in walk cycles but it might be worth having two different states of his head, so like facing directly ahead, and facing slightly to the camera (like he is now). Then have the directly ahead frame come in for half of it.
You also may aswell of just tweened the arm for how little the movement is. You could of then atleast controlled the swing and eased it.