At 7/18/07 10:49 PM, Sneakers wrote: Better then what I can do...I can't do real looking people. Good job! :)
And i really suck at drawing cartoony stuff. We all have our strong points i guess.
At 7/18/07 10:52 PM, Buzzwerd wrote: Try doing an angle as opposed to just a straight shot. It may seem harder, but it'll pay off if you can pull it off. It looks a bit flat head on.
I like to do really basic poses for when i am practicing, as apposed to an actual finished peiuve of art. i guess being more dynamic and showing more emotion and style would not steps.
At 7/18/07 10:53 PM, Mogly wrote: Gettin better. But still you can tell you are doing it from how you assume it would look rather than if you knew what it was like - look at the ears position. Have a go at doing a really smudged, rough, scribbled on picture of a girl and try and get it bang on.
I think i got the eyes in the middle of the head this time around, and the nose not so long. But those damn ears. > : (
I really do have to look at examples. I rarely ever do. Thanks for the tip.