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Newground Artist showcase thread

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Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-19 03:42:05

At 7/18/07 10:49 PM, Sneakers wrote: Better then what I can do...I can't do real looking people. Good job! :)

And i really suck at drawing cartoony stuff. We all have our strong points i guess.

At 7/18/07 10:52 PM, Buzzwerd wrote: Try doing an angle as opposed to just a straight shot. It may seem harder, but it'll pay off if you can pull it off. It looks a bit flat head on.

I like to do really basic poses for when i am practicing, as apposed to an actual finished peiuve of art. i guess being more dynamic and showing more emotion and style would not hurt....baby steps.

At 7/18/07 10:53 PM, Mogly wrote: Gettin better. But still you can tell you are doing it from how you assume it would look rather than if you knew what it was like - look at the ears position. Have a go at doing a really smudged, rough, scribbled on picture of a girl and try and get it bang on.

I think i got the eyes in the middle of the head this time around, and the nose not so long. But those damn ears. > : (

I really do have to look at examples. I rarely ever do. Thanks for the tip.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-19 05:19:00

Any chance SOMEONE will actually check out my game?
I only got 5 reviews, damn.

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 8089

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-19 09:17:00

At 7/19/07 05:19 AM, dietzribi wrote: Any chance SOMEONE will actually check out my game?
I only got 5 reviews, damn.

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 8089

I reviewed it.

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-24 13:34:08

Its kinda weird coming back to the forums when i haven't been in so long so i don't even know if this is the place to post stuff anymore but yeah.. lol i reverted back to drawing with a mouse just for fun and this is what i got..

Newground Artist showcase thread


Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-24 13:45:20

It looks cutesy, for an ugly monster :). Honestly though, I don't know what to comment, it just looks... Good. It's a cool and simple style, yet it also has quite a lot of details in it with the shadowing and highlighting, which gives it a sort of unique style. I like it!

also, wb.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-25 17:52:49

Somthing I did for a Fan-Art contest a while back, also because i wanted to try tracing a screenshot.

So, click here, as the image is too big to upload.

Also, if you want to see some of the hand-drawn stuff I have done recently, visit this thread.

Any comments?

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-27 16:33:27

At 7/24/07 01:34 PM, Pako wrote: Its kinda weird coming back to the forums when i haven't been in so long so i don't even know if this is the place to post stuff anymore but yeah.. lol i reverted back to drawing with a mouse just for fun and this is what i got..

Haha, awsome, i like the expression.

Another magazine article, about NG :P.

Newground Artist showcase thread

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-27 16:38:50

At 7/27/07 04:33 PM, Depredation wrote: Another magazine article, about NG :P.

Is that a big magazine because they spelled 'bedroom' wrong. :P


BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-27 17:00:01

At 7/27/07 04:38 PM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: Is that a big magazine because they spelled 'bedroom' wrong. :P

I don't know if you got me, but this an article i wrote an designed :P. I probably made a few mistakes, since fireworks doesn't have a spellchecker and lags like crap when you try to write.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-27 17:14:55

Random pic, lol.

Newground Artist showcase thread

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-27 18:01:49

At 7/27/07 05:22 PM, Frankafus-Studios wrote:
I sketched up what Ganondorf would look like, i had no refrence while drawinig it, so he may look odd. But yeah i'll be drawing link soon, and of course begin animating. :D hope you like it~

Hmm... cool looking Gannondorf you have there. If I were to make a suggestion, I'd tell you to simplify, simplify, simplify. Frame by frame animation takes a lot of skill and patience, if your character is too detailed you will most likely burn yourself out very early on. You'll be one person trying to create what it normally takes a studio to do.

Good luck. =]

This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-07-27 19:23:06

This is a bit of a mess about for the background of a game myself and Coaly are making at the mo. This hasnt come out how I wanted (even for a test) but I think it could be leading on to somethin.

Newground Artist showcase thread


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-05 06:49:49

All i've been able to say for the past few days is

Newground Artist showcase thread

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-05 07:00:59

At 7/27/07 05:00 PM, Depredation wrote: I don't know if you got me, but this an article i wrote an designed :P. I probably made a few mistakes, since fireworks doesn't have a spellchecker and lags like crap when you try to write.

Yeah you missed out the last few letters in 'there're' :P

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-08 19:22:37

been working on this for the last couple of days

Newground Artist showcase thread

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-08 19:56:47

Boxkitten - nice drawing style ya got there, same style you're using for the new One O'clock Jump collab? Even if you're not, i'm liking the whole messy-but-nice look you've got going.

J-D-S - Wow. That's some really nice lighting/texture you've got for the skin. The pants and shirt(ish) thing you made actually look really good as well. How much have you got left to do until you're 'done' with it? Doesn't look like you have a whole lot left, nice job.

always behind schedule.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-08 22:42:14

At 8/8/07 07:56 PM, ConAir wrote: J-D-S - Wow. That's some really nice lighting/texture you've got for the skin. The pants and shirt(ish) thing you made actually look really good as well. How much have you got left to do until you're 'done' with it? Doesn't look like you have a whole lot left, nice job.

hehe thanks. I still have a lot of refining to do on the feet, hands, ears, and basic forms. I also want to have a more dramatic pose, and sexier clothes, I don't think I'll ever finish :)

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-08 23:04:04

At 8/8/07 07:22 PM, J-D-S wrote: been working on this for the last couple of days

Wow, cool. Never done 3D art on a computer before, I imagine it's quite time intensive.
The only gripe I have with the girl is; you see too much skull. I'd bring the hair line forward a bit so her forehead doesn't look abnormally large.

Otherwise; excellent. =]

This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-08 23:33:12

Mogly: That building looks pretty good. I saw the soldier sprites on your site a while back, and they're looking very nice as well.

Boxkitten: Ha, nice saying. Very nice picture as well. I especially like the lighting on it.

J-D-S: Looks awesome. I'd like to try my hand at 3D one day, but stuff like that makes me think it'll be pretty hard (which it probably is)

As for a picture myself, here's something my sister wanted to see drawn, so I whipped it up at like 2:30AM last night. Zombie raccoon, basically.

Newground Artist showcase thread

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-16 11:54:40

I tried to make a snazzy looking picture of my sister. It's not really done the original picture justice so I shall have another go at some point.

If I had to say it was about something.. it'd be - since the smoking ban has come in, how it now reeks of sweat & booze in clubs now ~ as opposed to the smell of fag ash covering it up :)

Newground Artist showcase thread


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-20 18:24:46

%u041F%u0435%u0447%u0435%u043D%u044C%u04 35 - %u0441%u0432%u043E%u0431%u043E%u0434%u04 30!

Newground Artist showcase thread

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-22 14:08:39

At 8/21/07 01:43 PM, PrinceFlea wrote: So do you think I have any type of potential at all to use flash for animation?

Absolutely. That's a really good start.

My art thread

: I'm sometimes CornMan.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-22 20:52:06

Mario snaps! :)

Newground Artist showcase thread

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-28 12:02:26

Edvin: The coloring in that is excellent, good job =P

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-28 12:46:53

This is one of my characters I've been working on. I have not come up with a name yet.

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/270807/6 2006_modernninja.php

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-28 14:22:56

Just something I drew using a character I've had in development for awhile.
Took around 9 hours to make.

The Redeemer

Not that great.
Your opinions?

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-28 18:34:47

My first flash... Its a sprite one...

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 8729

I've been trying to get people to get it to the mario collection but I guess it'll have to wait till part 2 is done!

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-31 10:29:53

This thread keeps an better average than the whole art-forum. i miss it

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-08-31 10:33:17

At 8/31/07 10:29 AM, LaserKarl wrote: This thread keeps an better average than the whole art-forum. i miss it

You sir, are an art legend. I miss your art here and dont go to Art board often.

BBS Signature

Response to Newground Artist showcase thread 2007-09-03 15:40:53

I'm still checking this thread out, from time to time. But I haven't posted anything myself for some time.
So here's one I recently made in Painter:
http://static.pici.se/pictures/NmGjIGRvn .jpg

My art thread

: I'm sometimes CornMan.

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