Cheers for the feedback, t'is always nice to get comments as you can actually tell if shit you do is alright.
23450's menu
It looks nice, I think you'd do yourself a favour having the things at the side coming in overlap with the up-and-down ones coming in, so there'd be no gap between, itd feel alot quicker. and it's pretty unnesecary to be honest, but have the wires bounce back last a little less longer. They snap back to late right now, and they go to far down (for not being squished enough at the sides).
How is that for unnesecary reading? :P
The look of it is cool, reminds me of the menu for the Altered reality collab here -
Depredations magazine
I like it, I looked it and felt a bit iffy, but then I imagined it actually in a magazine, so imagine seeing it on a glossy page, on your table. An example of what I felt iffy about is the writing right on the top and the bottom on the front cover. I think what made me iffy is that they are on white, and white is just boring - and especially seeing it on a white background. But when printed it would look decent. I dont like the font used inside though. Maybe even post it in the typography thread?
When you write your evaluation of it or whatever, you should write about actually imagining it printed, as a magazine, teachers really love shit like that when you appear to be thinking outside the box. You could say for example how whites are usually dull, but on a page in a magazine, theyd #have some sort of effect#
Here's an update on some sprites I posted here a few pages ago. I finished off the kneeling & shooting ones just now, and I think I will do some more when its still interesting. p