At 6/28/07 02:27 AM, Slippery-Nipple wrote:
At 6/28/07 02:06 AM, Penboy wrote:
He thought it'd be funny to be emo for a day.
Haha thanks for the laugh. I don't really know what i could critique, no offence i just can't really give any advice XD
Another bandwidth filler...
6 stretched paint lines.
It looks alright, but I think the gradient at the bottom ruins it a bit. It's all just with one colour for each bit, then the gradient is just there. I think it looks to 'sudden' too, like stretch it out more (the gradient).
What do you think of this run cycle? I don't think it's fantastic, but I like the movement of it - does look like a soldier. I wanted it to look quite puppet like, which is why I just used symbols for the body pieces(leg top, bottom, arms, gun, head) rather than FBF. Err, well actually that's how I justify it, really it's just being lazy :) hp