CrazyChihuahua: He is a baked potato and his body is entirely made of roots. That's why he doesn't have hands. But now when I think about it, it surely is kinda scary. :)
CrazyChihuahua: He is a baked potato and his body is entirely made of roots. That's why he doesn't have hands. But now when I think about it, it surely is kinda scary. :)
wow... this is a huge thread. anyway, Im making a game with KyleDaFox ande heres a screen shot of the early unpolished layout and th player character (the green Guy) intteracting with a soldier on his team, which will be possible in the game.
At 2/27/07 10:14 AM, flashbound18 wrote: wow... this is a huge thread. anyway, Im making a game with KyleDaFox ande heres a screen shot of the early unpolished layout and th player character (the green Guy) intteracting with a soldier on his team, which will be possible in the game.
wow that actually looks really really good. i cant wait to play it!
thanks. It was actually inspired by alien hominid, but gameplay will be more like DadNMe. Im a big fan of tomfulps games. in the game youll be running around as a higher ranked marine in an alien army fighting against some other alien army. as you run around youll run into your own men whom will just stand around uselessly most likely, and they will all have different names and say funny stuff when you hit an interact key, which Im not sure it will be yet. thanks for the compliments guys!
i sold my left testicle to make this r11/walkingcycle.swf
its a test walking cycle..i got the drawing thing mastered..but animation
At 3/1/07 11:12 PM, x-factor11 wrote: r11/walkingcycle.swf
its a test walking cycle..i got the drawing thing mastered..but animation
needs more frames in between. I cant really tell how the legs are moving, its much to fast.
There. Finnaly had time to render another scene. Took about 5 hours to render. Maybe a little more. What do you all think?
Stupid image not being the right dimension. > : (
At 3/1/07 11:12 PM, x-factor11 wrote: r11/walkingcycle.swf
its a test walking cycle..i got the drawing thing mastered..but animation
I zoomed in and guided around so that the frame rate would slow down, and I ntoiced that you got the basic idea down with the feet moving backwards, but way way to fast, and just fucked up. Have ago again but be really patient with it.
I was gunna comment on that your legs arent just like one long string, but I remembered that's how you draw everything :). Soo, I dunno, I would of said break the legs up into parts, top of the leg, bottom of the leg, foot then think aboot how the knee and your ankle and your hip work.
One thing you are clearly doing here is focusing on continuing the animation rather than getting it right.. what I mean is, check out the top of his body, it continually stays the same shape, position etc just gets more simple, this is because you weren't thinking about a walk cycle you were thinkging about making the animation smooth.
23450, I have no idea about 3d and all that, but looks pretty cool :)
At 2/27/07 10:14 AM, flashbound18 wrote: wow... this is a huge thread. anyway, Im making a game with KyleDaFox ande heres a screen shot of the early unpolished layout and th player character (the green Guy) intteracting with a soldier on his team, which will be possible in the game.
Absolutely awesome. Also reminds me of alien hominid.
Great style.
Spent some time today doing these. The throw took a while (and still needs his back arm added). I've just added the walking lady quickly and like how her hips move.
One thing i'm looking for ideas/comments on is how to do fire (check the second frame). I'm not sure I like what i've got, also including the smoke.
- Darnell sprites [>]
At 3/6/07 12:33 PM, Mogly wrote: - Darnell sprites [>]
lookin really nice, only thing i could say to fix is add another frame of him in the air, its awkward how it kinda freezes but u could just make that frame into two seperate drawings and it would look a lot better
My second photoshop, Im not quite happy with it, but I don't feel like working on it some more, so here:
What do you guys think? I know I missed valentines day by a long shot..but I made it for my girl
?? wingedheartil3.jpg
At 3/1/07 11:12 PM, x-factor11 wrote: r11/walkingcycle.swf
its a test walking cycle..i got the drawing thing mastered..but animation
let me ask you something. when was the last time you saw someone put their knees all the way up by their nose when the walk?
i know what game im gunna be playing on pico day mogly.
Mmmmmk i'v been working on this movie for a couple months and thought i'd share it here. There is information (storyline etc...) there are 2 screenshots... I would like to know if I this could make it in the portal (errr if the 2 screenshots can tell I mean) so yea thanks here is the information its located: bsite%20(none%20flash)/The%20Orb%20Part%201.h tm
PLEASE HONESTLY TELL ME! and Constructive critisism (so no THIS LOOKS GAY) would be nice thanks :).
Diversion Of Destruction
Ahhh shit. That above link doesn't work... so ok go to click "Upcoming Projects" and click the one with the 2 stick figures banner... Then scroll down. Thanks again.
You might want to consider your graphics quality. If it was in the portal I would give it a 2. So just add some better graphics (background and menu) and you could have something...
Ah thank you :). Yea I'm getting better at background :P. At least you'd give me a 2 (so not a blam lol). But thanks for your honesty.
Something for my AP 2-D portfolio, 3dsmax + photoshop.
nice job duke. Havent seen your shit in ages.
At 3/7/07 03:16 PM, Luis wrote: nice job duke. Havent seen your shit in ages.
Newgrounds was recently blocked on my campus along with 75% of the internet, thus the reason I haven't been here :(
At 3/7/07 02:38 PM, STEM wrote: Something for my AP 2-D portfolio, 3dsmax + photoshop.
Looks amazing ;). I've always wanted to get into 3D, but i don't have the cash :(.
At 3/7/07 05:27 PM, Depredation wrote:At 3/7/07 02:38 PM, STEM wrote: Something for my AP 2-D portfolio, 3dsmax + photoshop.Looks amazing ;). I've always wanted to get into 3D, but i don't have the cash :(.
Tom's giving me a series page and here's the title I made...
I've said it before but here's a little picture to clarify too. I love animating/drawing body parts bending in weird ways. For example here look at his wrist, it's bent to far and upclose you notice it. I think, that little things like this you do pick up on when you watch an animation, even if it's just for a split second you pick up on it which is pretty cool.
Another thing I noticed it, look how ugly and unlike the last frame his face looks here. It looks pretty bollocks and I spent no time on it, just because it's not really noticable. I think it's sorta like, your eyes will follow bits of the animation and see what it can focus on, and here, the bit of his 'head' your eyes would focus on would be his skin colour on his head. You dont really notice his face atall just the placement of his face.
When i'm finished with this sprite i'll post a link up and see if what i've said is actually true, I bet it's not now actually :)
At 3/11/07 12:37 PM, Mogly wrote: When i'm finished with this sprite i'll post a link up and see if what i've said is actually true, I bet it's not now actually :)
Yeah, I like your style of animating people. It's weirdness makes it unique in a way :)
Here's another drawing I did on my arm in school on Friday.
Hey i am pretty new to flash and i tryed to make my first walk and i tihnk i did pretty good... but tell me waht you think i should do better