Welcome to the Official Newground's Sig Makers.
This is the official sig making club for Newgrounds.com!
There has been numerous failed sig clubs over the years. Here's a small history:
The Sinister Sig makers. (SSM)
Sinister Sig Makers reborn. (SSMR)
Chaos Sig Makers. (CSM)
The Elite Sig Makers (ESM)
Amature Sig makers (ASM)
All of them had great runs, especially the ASM, which was the largest thread every created on Newgrounds.
What Happened to these clubs? They all got torn apart by either spam, fighting, or people not making sigs. This is the thread to end all of that.
Requesting a signature
When Requesting a signature at the NGSM, you must follow these simple rules:
• The Signature has to be 400X60 Pixels, or lower.
• It has to be able to fit under Newground's 40 kb. limit.
• Sigs take time to make and getting one is not a right, its a privilege. At all times be respectful and polite or the makers can ignore you.
• You may ask for only 2 sigs per months.
• The official rules still apply here.
• Give us something to work with. Don't just post "lol hai guyz gimme a sig" If you do that, the request will be ignored. You can follow this optional guideline:
Copy and paste this, and fill in the blanks.
Text you would like on your signature and any formatting there in.
The theme you would like your sig to follow. Include any links to pictures here.
Colors you would like to see in your sig or you would like to exclude.
Additional comments on layout/animation should go here.
Remember, this is an optional guideline.
Becoming a sig maker.
Following it's roots of the ASM, The NGSM is an open sig making environment. We will make a small "Regulars" list once we get this thing going. We just ask you to follow these simple rules when making a sig:
• If you are doing someone's request PM them, and post in the thread that you are doing the signature.
• When you finish, post the signature here and pm the user again to let them know it is complete.
• If someone becomes abusive, do not finish the sig and report them to the list "moderators" with a log of what was abusive. (via pm.)
• If someone is spamming or does not follow the rules do not respond. If they become abusive report them to the list holders via pm. ONCE AND ONLY ONCE PER EVENT.
• Any sig maker should report any infraction of the BBS rules to the Moderators of Newground's. IGNORE RULE BREAKERS. DO NOT RESPOND IN AN ATTEMPT TO BE "HELPFUL". They had the chance to read the rules before they posted.
• If you find that you can not complete a sig you said you would, post in this thread informing the sig makers and pm the requester. Link back ot the original request.
It's very important that we use the PM system. This will cut down on spam, and keep it organized.
Let's start making some sigs!