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Amature sig makers

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Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:19:38

At 7/26/06 05:14 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: We all need to reach some kind of consensus before any thread is made, or this thread is locked.

Didnt you mention some kind of giant MSN convo? We should do that.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:29:35

At 7/26/06 05:17 PM, Mcdonaldsdollarmenu wrote: also, yoshi52's sig:

Cool, thanks!

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:45:55

ARRGH, what's with me missing out on all the drama.

I want to be part of this as much as I can, I feel I don't have much to offer, but I would like to help get a new ultimate sig making club back up.

If there is a giant MSN convo or AIM convo, do tell.

Anyways, my thoughts:

A new thread entitled "Newgrounds Sig Makers" created by BananaBreadMuffin (or someone else). And a lock for this one. Perhaps some sort of last post detailing the reasons of it's lock, as well as details of what happens next and who's involved.

The New thread needs to have a first post with all rules. Since i'm pretty sure we want to keep the ASM aspect to it, we want to keep it as simple as possible - by that i mean, no point scoring system, PM system or complicated stuff like that - just plain sig-making. If points and ranks are to be added, it should be much later on when the club is sailing smoothly.
I don't think making a site seperate from Newgrounds will work, I definitely won't go there.

Obviously, there should be rules - these are restrictions and suggestions gathered from sig makers as time has progresed. Rules should be more like guidelines e.g. How to request, how not to annoy, how things work - we need rules, but we need to keep the freedom that the ASM has, whilst trying to keep spamming and clutter to a minimum.
If the sig club starts to get stuffed up, mod intervention should be used, if it's needed.

Well, that's all i have to say for now, i would prefer to discuss this further later on with someone else.


by the way, let's try not to distract from sig making with this discussion.

I hardly ever come here anymore....

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:09:51

Welcome to the Official Newground's Sig Makers.

This is the official sig making club for Newgrounds.com!

There has been numerous failed sig clubs over the years. Here's a small history:

The Sinister Sig makers. (SSM)
Sinister Sig Makers reborn. (SSMR)
Chaos Sig Makers. (CSM)
The Elite Sig Makers (ESM)
Amature Sig makers (ASM)

All of them had great runs, especially the ASM, which was the largest thread every created on Newgrounds.

What Happened to these clubs? They all got torn apart by either spam, fighting, or people not making sigs. This is the thread to end all of that.

Requesting a signature

When Requesting a signature at the NGSM, you must follow these simple rules:

• The Signature has to be 400X60 Pixels, or lower.
• It has to be able to fit under Newground's 40 kb. limit.
• Sigs take time to make and getting one is not a right, its a privilege. At all times be respectful and polite or the makers can ignore you.
• You may ask for only 2 sigs per months.
• The official rules still apply here.
• Give us something to work with. Don't just post "lol hai guyz gimme a sig" If you do that, the request will be ignored. You can follow this optional guideline:

Copy and paste this, and fill in the blanks.

Text you would like on your signature and any formatting there in.
The theme you would like your sig to follow. Include any links to pictures here.
Colors you would like to see in your sig or you would like to exclude.
Additional comments on layout/animation should go here.

Remember, this is an optional guideline.

Becoming a sig maker.

Following it's roots of the ASM, The NGSM is an open sig making environment. We will make a small "Regulars" list once we get this thing going. We just ask you to follow these simple rules when making a sig:

• If you are doing someone's request PM them, and post in the thread that you are doing the signature.
• When you finish, post the signature here and pm the user again to let them know it is complete.
• If someone becomes abusive, do not finish the sig and report them to the list "moderators" with a log of what was abusive. (via pm.)
• If someone is spamming or does not follow the rules do not respond. If they become abusive report them to the list holders via pm. ONCE AND ONLY ONCE PER EVENT.
• Any sig maker should report any infraction of the BBS rules to the Moderators of Newground's. IGNORE RULE BREAKERS. DO NOT RESPOND IN AN ATTEMPT TO BE "HELPFUL". They had the chance to read the rules before they posted.
• If you find that you can not complete a sig you said you would, post in this thread informing the sig makers and pm the requester. Link back ot the original request.

It's very important that we use the PM system. This will cut down on spam, and keep it organized.

Let's start making some sigs!

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:12:01

I would like to be a part of anything going on too. I don't have much experiance in NG but i've been a designer for the past 2 years now and I understand stuff like this.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:16:40

At 7/26/06 05:08 PM, -Kumari- wrote: Revenge. Crappy pic. Took 30 seconds to make. I Hate you shadow_reborn. I just do.

well you should of been more patient you impatient asshole and now you probably won't get your request have a nice day :-)

Steam: Captain Iguana

Xbl: Darth Iguana

PSN: Mayor-Iguana

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:16:47

What about a contest thing every couple of weeks? Kind of like what the BSM used to do, but with more activity.

Awards could be simple bragging rights.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:25:51

At 7/26/06 06:17 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 06:16 PM, Goliath- wrote: What about a contest thing every couple of weeks? Kind of like what the BSM used to do, but with more activity.

Awards could be simple bragging rights.
i think we should worry about one thing at a time, but once the new topic is set, sounds good.

We can't edit a topic once its been started and people won't search through 2000 pages to find a new set of rules, awards and stuff. If people don't figure this out at the start and get it all down on the first page people will not know what the hell to do and it will get confusing.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:32:54

At 7/26/06 06:28 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 06:26 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: Post thoughts on red/black lists now or forever hold your peace.
im all for it.

and guy talking about the rules in the wrong place, we're making a new topic, so those are just showing us what the final rules will look like.


Thanks for the sig

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:35:14

I know this might be completely unnecessary, but should we make a forum just for the discussion of this, so it can be organized and better completed?

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:39:51

At 7/26/06 06:35 PM, Goliath- wrote: I know this might be completely unnecessary, but should we make a forum just for the discussion of this, so it can be organized and better completed?


if you want i can put some forums up. it was made in case the topic got locked.


Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:40:12

At 7/26/06 06:26 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: Post thoughts on red/black lists now or forever hold your peace.


Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:45:27

Ok, Back to what the ASM is actually for.
here you go kumari dude..one sig..requasted by pm

i didn't quite like a knife in there though dude so i left it out

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:46:12

Yo guys, haven't posted here in awhile. I think I'm due for another sig (about every 500 experience I should post). I'd like one with a cool lens flare effect to it and my NG alias somewhere on it. Be creative. Thanks a ton.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 18:58:53

At 7/26/06 06:46 PM, -Platinum- wrote: Yo guys, haven't posted here in awhile. I think I'm due for another sig (about every 500 experience I should post). I'd like one with a cool lens flare effect to it and my NG alias somewhere on it. Be creative. Thanks a ton.

well, i made one. it's simple, but thats its charm. but im sure it can in no way match up to your current, fancy animated sig.


Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:01:03

At 7/26/06 06:45 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 06:40 PM, xAsCitiesBurnx wrote:
At 7/26/06 06:26 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: Post thoughts on red/black lists now or forever hold your peace.
dont post if you dont know what you're talking about. read through the last few pages and maybe you'll understand it better.

I know what im talking about and I just wanna say fuck you, don't tell me what to post and what not to. I was going off of the other 4 rules list posted.

Anyway, red/black lists would be a good idea to a certain extent. Banning somebody from requesting a signature forever is kind of harsh and will probably fill the topic with people asking for another chance or ranting. Most people won't know that they are blacklisted until they request another signature or ask 'why DiD u bl@ckl1st m3 n00b' and others will chose to ignore being listed and somebody will do the request (if this is going to be a topic without ranks or members) without knowing they are listed. A few good reasons to have them is that it would cut down on people requesting signatures every day and having some punishment to breaking the rules would make people think twice before they do it.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:06:14

At 7/26/06 07:04 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 07:01 PM, xAsCitiesBurnx wrote: I know what im talking about and I just wanna say fuck you, don't tell me what to post and what not to. I was going off of the other 4 rules list posted.
screw off you little cunt. the posts like you made before are the reason we have to make this whole fucking thread over again.

And the posts we're both making right now are the reason. Think before you speak. And what posts before are you talking about?

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:11:48

I kinda have a question/comment thing.
Can you post Artwork that you or your friends have made in PS on the new thread or w/e?
I did it yesterday, and got told it was spamming :[

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:15:53

At 7/26/06 07:06 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: AsCities, well you understood the purpose, but list keepers would be required to warn users before listed anyone and the black list would be reserved for people who do nothing but spam and flame. Black list would be reserved.

As long as its used a lot more fairly than people get banned on regular NG it should work out. It shouldn't be based on if somebody doesn't like somebody else. T ocontrol this we could have a few members who could be PM'd to listen to why somebody was listed and maybe take him/her off the list. It should be seperate from the list keepers and if somebody is unlisted it shouldn't be a huge announcement and the judge or whatever should be kept anonymous to prevent keepers/members from getting pissed at the judge.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:19:51

At 7/26/06 07:11 PM, Mad-Cow wrote: I kinda have a question/comment thing.
Can you post Artwork that you or your friends have made in PS on the new thread or w/e?
I did it yesterday, and got told it was spamming :[

Perhaps we should discuss a completely seperate Graphics discussion topic where people can post work and openly discuss things such as Brushes, Fonts, Programs and Tutorials/Techniques. And no, this wouldn't be allowed in the new topic.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:43:26

Stop the fighting, please. Any more insults, and bans will be issued.

My art gallery, because I'm better than you at things.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:48:14

Could someone make me a sig with this picture please?

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:50:27

At 7/26/06 07:43 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: Stop the fighting, please. Any more insults, and bans will be issued.

I love how you can spot a mod a mile off. Must be the improper use of commas.

Anyway, could someone make a sig for me please. I'd like it to include something that is of personal interest to the maker. Unless the maker's personal tastes include bestiality.

Thank you in advance.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 19:52:04

can some body please make me a sig with this pic, the ones made last night would not load as a gif or jpeg.
please write Kankuro somewhere and Zacispere in another place, u will be credited!
thank you

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 20:12:45

At 7/26/06 07:52 PM, Zacispere wrote: can some body please make me a sig with this pic, the ones made last night would not load as a gif or jpeg.
please write Kankuro somewhere and Zacispere in another place, u will be credited!
thank you

how about this

Amature sig makers

Steam: Captain Iguana

Xbl: Darth Iguana

PSN: Mayor-Iguana

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 20:12:53

At 7/26/06 07:52 PM, Zacispere wrote: can some body please make me a sig with this pic, the ones made last night would not load as a gif or jpeg.
please write Kankuro somewhere and Zacispere in another place, u will be credited!
thank you

You are one stupid mother fucker.
YOU CAN'T LOAD ANY OTHER TYPE OF IMAGE ON NG. They were both a gif or a jpg, your retarded ass probably just saved it wrong.
No body make him another sig >:(

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 20:15:07

maybe this looks better?

Amature sig makers

Steam: Captain Iguana

Xbl: Darth Iguana

PSN: Mayor-Iguana

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 20:16:50

You are one stupid mother fucker.
YOU CAN'T LOAD ANY OTHER TYPE OF IMAGE ON NG. They were both a gif or a jpg, your retarded ass probably just saved it wrong.
No body make him another sig >:(

sorry mad-cow I did not know that untill after I made him one

Steam: Captain Iguana

Xbl: Darth Iguana

PSN: Mayor-Iguana

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 20:18:08

At 7/26/06 08:12 PM, Mad-Cow wrote: You are one stupid mother fucker.
YOU CAN'T LOAD ANY OTHER TYPE OF IMAGE ON NG. They were both a gif or a jpg, your retarded ass probably just saved it wrong.
No body make him another sig >:(

don't be so mean. I'm sure you were just as unintelligent at one point in your life.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 20:27:05

hey i tried to change what type to save it as but it wouldnt save it that way
my computer sucks ass
at least paint does