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Amature sig makers

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Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:12:21

At 7/26/06 04:07 PM, -Slasher- wrote: also, im not sure new rules would help in the long run, because a lot of people who come here asking for sigs are clinically retarded, and probably wont even read the first page before posting.

I agree thats why i say we create an offsite forum for this whole thing and redirect people to it. IF we can get enough people up for this i will set up a list of mods and admins and stuff like that. We can then deiscuss how it is all going to work "us" mainly consiting of those admins and mods. So whos in?

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:14:40

At 7/26/06 04:12 PM, Happie_lil_hippie wrote: I agree thats why i say we create an offsite forum for this whole thing and redirect people to it. IF we can get enough people up for this i will set up a list of mods and admins and stuff like that. We can then deiscuss how it is all going to work "us" mainly consiting of those admins and mods. So whos in?

i agree, but only on the grounds that i be considered a regular, and therefore a mod, because i intend to be here a lot more often, instead of the general forums.

but i think the higher-ups should discuss this before anything is considered.

damn 4 post limit...

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:16:40

At 7/26/06 04:06 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: Suggestion 2
Start three specialized sig making topics open to all users to post requests in.
One specializes in animated sigs, another in still sigs, and another in template sigs or themed sigs like duck sigs or milk sigs. All topics are linked togeather within the first posts. Any users may request in the topics and any users may post in the topics.

That's a pretty good idea, and maybe if this topic gets locked, it could happen.
I tried making an Animated Sig Makers thread like, last year and it got locked or deleted for some reason :[

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:16:41

At 7/26/06 04:14 PM, Mcdonaldsdollarmenu wrote: but i think the higher-ups should discuss this before anything is considered.

damn 4 post limit...

i know thats why i have talked to liam and am going to pm turkeybean later tonight. I think this will solve our problems.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:18:16

At 7/26/06 04:16 PM, Mad-Cow wrote: That's a pretty good idea, and maybe if this topic gets locked, it could happen.
I tried making an Animated Sig Makers thread like, last year and it got locked or deleted for some reason :[

see, thats my only worry about locking this topic, and no one seems to have an answer:

what happens if the mods lock the new topic?

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:19:44

no no no...

fuck having differnet threads for requesters and reqestees, that wont last, turmoil and newb stupidity would soon overrun both threads...

no offsite forum, because again, stupid people would just spam up the genreal forum asking for directions, and piss off mods by pming them over and over looking for a sig making place.


all we need is a new thread, where you must request to join, that'll curb the horrendous ms paint and crappy "look mommy i can fotoshop" sigs that have been floating around in the last two hundred odd pages.

ideally, a mod would reside over the thread, deleting spam, deleting "fuck sakes i've been waiting more than 7 seconds wheres my ridiulous sig reequet???" posts, and banning people not following the rules, or even better, Turkeybean should be modded and use his powers solely in here.

either way, I think a new thread, a "join by invite" sig club, is a BIG step in the right direction.

dosn't matter if this place is locked or not

as a wise man once said - " i don't know whats i be doin'... "

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:33:14

I know that making a new thread, or even three new threads may sound like a good idea now, but there is a chance that they will get locked. Also, a club for sig making has to expect many requests, which leads to spam. If you are so pissed off about spam than you shouldn't have joing the ASM in the first place. The ASM is a place where sigs can be requested and made. Once the makers stop responding to people's requests, it will result in spam. The only way to stop spam is to have more people making sigs at one time so that the users of NG will be satisfied and will have sigs. Even if you guys create more threads, it won't stop spam.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:34:21

That's pretty Cool.

A few things though.

I think "Amature sig makers" is kinda off putting. It should be "Newgrounds sig makers"

Also, you said request must be 400x60. What if they want it smaller?

And it would be kind of alot to do all that pming.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:37:36

At 7/26/06 04:34 PM, dave wrote:
Also, you said request must be 400x60. What if they want it smaller?

Thats unlikly to happen but maybe it could be "UNDER"

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:39:29

At 7/26/06 04:33 PM, owTolaH wrote: I know that making a new thread, or even three new threads may sound like a good idea now, but there is a chance that they will get locked.

I have mod permission to create a new thread.

BUT, this thread NEEDS to be locked first.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:44:36

At 7/26/06 04:40 PM, Plakat wrote: Ive wanted to be a mod for a while and before any of this spam shit started in the general where Wade went wack. I would be a good mod, because unlike the rest I do look in Clubs, and Programming forum. Sometimes I go into the Audio forum too. And that is why I belive I should be a mod =] I PMed Wade a while ago abotu volunteering. As I would love to help out, I would have been help recently when I came back to this topic, as all of a sudden I see a shitload of spam.

this , andhttp://www.newground..s/topic.php?id=47
, as well. And more importantly, never ask to be one.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:47:25

Maybe we could make it so peoplecan post for a trial then that is accepted then they just fill out requests, as if they were a member, untill the trial period is up then a "mod*" decides weather than can stay or not. I think this way of choosing people should work quite well. Also having like "credits" and everytime you request a sig they go down to stop you requesting to many sigs. If your request credits run out a "admin" will post saying they cannot have a sig for whatever ammount of time. Im sure i could pull this together in microsoft acess. It sounds more complicated than it is. The forum will just need 2 be carefully watched.

*Mod being a group of sig makers who decide weather or not people pass trials. And an admin is similar just more incharge

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:53:43

TKINNEY, Happy lil Hippie,
I'm gonna miss you two dudes, (not that much though realy considering i both have your im's lol)
But its been a joy working with you guys. you and a couple of other people here we probably the old people keeping this thread alive, i shall not be surprised if this place gets closed down.

*stares at the screen*

I can't beleive whats happening to the ASM though, seriosly. I thought it was getting bad when me , Turkeybean and TKinney decided to make a new thread, but now i've seen it all. in the last past day, TWO good sig makers have quit the ASM ,PERMENENTLY, Just on account of the state of this place?! i can't say i blame them though, they have just reson too.

I'm getting very aggravated very quickly about this problem,i mean its like watching your house go up in flames...so many things in there you cherish in there burning, yet not a damm thing you can do about it...

Yesterday i left the computer for 3 hrs, i came back(reluctently, noing full well therew was gonna be reams of crap to read when i got back)lo and behold to find 2 pages of n00bs arguing with each other, This Isn't MSN, This Isn't Yahoo and this Isn't AIM, so why the hell are you people treating the thread like it is?

Amature SIG Makers, if its not about god damm sigs don't post it here.
Sheesh its not that hard

I my self find the thought of quiting completly, More and more compeling over the last couple of days, and i fear if the thread doesn't clean up i shall have to, to. (although the new tread will be up and running soon).

so i ges what im trying to say is, im disapointed...
oh and seyya you two guys ^^

grummpy old sod liamski lol

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:56:50

At 7/26/06 04:52 PM, Plakat wrote: I know all about that. I volunteered to help, when they needed help. Wade would never have noticed me because I don't go in general very much. So I had to point myself out. Im not new. I dont need your advice.

Yes, you do. Wade doesn't choose mods. He doesn't internet nearly enough. The current moderators pick out potential mods from the crowd, and the current moderators browse EVERY forum.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:57:56

At 7/26/06 04:52 PM, Plakat wrote:

I dont need your advice.

Alright, next time I wont help, jackass.

The credits idea was a good one. That will stop the same guy coming back every week asking for a new sig. I say we also add a "points" system. When you get a sig completed you get a point. These points will add up and move you higher ranks into the crew. That will add to your respect as a sig maker. There could be like 4 levels of sig makers.

• Amature
• Pro
• Veteran
• Master

Each rank could have it's own perks. I don't know yet, just throwing out an idea. I think there should be a member list too.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:59:48

At 7/26/06 04:57 PM, dave wrote: Each rank could have it's own perks. I don't know yet, just throwing out an idea. I think there should be a member list too.

No. I don't like them. They're making the thread into more of a structured thread.
Once we've got the ASM sorted out, you guys are welcome to set up a structured place, but for now, I say we keep ranks and member lists out. The most structure we should have should be a request list.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:00:22

At 7/24/06 08:54 AM, yoshi52 wrote:

Can someone make me a sig with:

1. "ShovelField Productions" in bold.
2. A shovel in the ground.
3. A White Kirby with no hands, a black hat, and black shoes.
4. Any random sky colour.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:01:33

At 7/26/06 04:59 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
At 7/26/06 04:57 PM, dave wrote: Each rank could have it's own perks. I don't know yet, just throwing out an idea. I think there should be a member list too.
No. I don't like them. They're making the thread into more of a structured thread.
Once we've got the ASM sorted out, you guys are welcome to set up a structured place, but for now, I say we keep ranks and member lists out. The most structure we should have should be a request list.

What's wrong with being organized from the start?

I meant like let's say you get to "Pro" level by doing 30 sig request, etc. It's just an idea.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:02:41

At 7/26/06 05:00 PM, yoshi52 wrote:
At 7/24/06 08:54 AM, yoshi52 wrote:
Can someone make me a sig with:

1. "ShovelField Productions" in bold.
2. A shovel in the ground.
3. A White Kirby with no hands, a black hat, and black shoes.
4. Any random sky colour.

im on it. do you want the backround to be actual sky, with clouds and stuff, or just sky blue?

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:06:09

Well, we have all that we need for the new thread imo.
Someone should just make the new thread
Newgrounds Sig Makers sounds good
And there's a nice little loophole too

tkinney and stuff quit ASM not NSM :P

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:06:14

At 7/26/06 05:01 PM, dave wrote: I meant like let's say you get to "Pro" level by doing 30 sig request, etc. It's just an idea.

It seperates out the elite from the newer ones. People may automatically request a sig from a pro based on their reputation. And all of a sudden, you're breaking one of the first and foremost unwritten rules of the ASM:

No discrimination between sig makers. Anyone can make a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:06:37

At 7/26/06 04:39 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
At 7/26/06 04:33 PM, owTolaH wrote: I know that making a new thread, or even three new threads may sound like a good idea now, but there is a chance that they will get locked.
I have mod permission to create a new thread.

BUT, this thread NEEDS to be locked first.

Hey BBM i like to see your interested in making sigs again, i havn't seen you post on the thread for age's.
Me, tkinney and turkeybean are sorting the new thread out dude all though we have been trying to keep it from the mass's ears (for the mere reson that every one kept spammong this thread about it).
You said you have the backing of a mod. I don't realy know much about the status on that part of are thread, TB's been sorting that part out.
it'd probably be best if you just joined ares you know (as your a sure foot in) its proably gonna be posted some time this week so we'll pm you about it. ^^

if you want any more info dude just pm me cos this talk about the "new thread" is turning sorta into spam

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:08:31

Revenge. Crappy pic. Took 30 seconds to make. I Hate you shadow_reborn. I just do.

Amature sig makers


Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:10:15

At 7/26/06 04:43 PM, -Slasher- wrote: i say we go for it. do we have confirmation from turkeybean, liam, etc.?

Why would we need to? There not any more of a leader in this club than I or BBM.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:13:53

At 7/26/06 05:02 PM, Mcdonaldsdollarmenu wrote: im on it. do you want the backround to be actual sky, with clouds and stuff, or just sky blue?

Clouds would be nice.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:14:16

We all need to reach some kind of consensus before any thread is made, or this thread is locked.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:15:09

At 7/26/06 05:10 PM, Goliath- wrote:
At 7/26/06 04:43 PM, -Slasher- wrote: i say we go for it. do we have confirmation from turkeybean, liam, etc.?
Why would we need to? There not any more of a leader in this club than I or BBM.

Yes but they are the regs, the people who keep the thread alive. Well im going now and will be on tomorrow (UK) but then im off on holiday. So i wont be on for about a week. I hope it all goes well for you guys.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:17:29

At 7/26/06 05:15 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: all those concerned should join our chatroom. Aim dave for an invite.

im concerned, but i dont know his AIM.

mine: x RobKrug x

also, yoshi52's sig:

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:18:17

At 7/26/06 05:10 PM, Goliath- wrote:
At 7/26/06 04:43 PM, -Slasher- wrote: i say we go for it. do we have confirmation from turkeybean, liam, etc.?
Why would we need to? There not any more of a leader in this club than I or BBM.

he didn't say that did he?

he proabbly said it because it was the curtius thing to do, TB, me and TKinney anounced nearly a week and a half ago that we were putting together a new thread and asked if anybody wanted in.
What we don't need is people racing a head of us and doing it half heartedly, we've worked on this alot and we-well i (i've not dicused this yet) would apreasiate it if you would just hang tight for a couple of days and let us sort it all out.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 17:18:22

At 7/26/06 04:06 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: 2) A new thread should be created revolving around the new PM system.

I prefer the second suggestion due to this. And therefore I put my vote on this suggestion.