TKINNEY, Happy lil Hippie,
I'm gonna miss you two dudes, (not that much though realy considering i both have your im's lol)
But its been a joy working with you guys. you and a couple of other people here we probably the old people keeping this thread alive, i shall not be surprised if this place gets closed down.
*stares at the screen*
I can't beleive whats happening to the ASM though, seriosly. I thought it was getting bad when me , Turkeybean and TKinney decided to make a new thread, but now i've seen it all. in the last past day, TWO good sig makers have quit the ASM ,PERMENENTLY, Just on account of the state of this place?! i can't say i blame them though, they have just reson too.
I'm getting very aggravated very quickly about this problem,i mean its like watching your house go up in many things in there you cherish in there burning, yet not a damm thing you can do about it...
Yesterday i left the computer for 3 hrs, i came back(reluctently, noing full well therew was gonna be reams of crap to read when i got back)lo and behold to find 2 pages of n00bs arguing with each other, This Isn't MSN, This Isn't Yahoo and this Isn't AIM, so why the hell are you people treating the thread like it is?
Amature SIG Makers, if its not about god damm sigs don't post it here.
Sheesh its not that hard
I my self find the thought of quiting completly, More and more compeling over the last couple of days, and i fear if the thread doesn't clean up i shall have to, to. (although the new tread will be up and running soon).
so i ges what im trying to say is, im disapointed...
oh and seyya you two guys ^^
grummpy old sod liamski lol