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The Sinister Sig Makers

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The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 11:59:29

Welcome to the realm of the Sinister Sig Makers

Member List:
Dark Blue Flame
Incredible Hulk
War Machine

Membership is limited to the above named artists, in an attempt to ensure all New Grounds members the highest quality sigs available. Before someone may join the team, the group will vote, and the majority will rule.

New additions to the collective will be offered a “try out” for a specific period of time. Once the try out is over, the group will decide if the member stays or goes.

The artists above have been selected to participate in this group based on their previous work, work ethic, consistency, and ability to work within the team.

Everyone is welcome to post in this thread. In order to do our part to minimize the strain on NGs bandwidth, however, we request that sigs be posted by team members, or those who are being evaluated ONLY.

Artists are asked to observe the following guidelines:
1. This thread is “n00b” friendly. There is way too much crap being given to new users. This thread should give them an opportunity to request a sig, without being attacked. Don’t get me wrong; anyone who “earns” a flaming should get it. Let’s just try to keep it reasonable.
2. Keep the initial sig submission to one sig per user. While there will be times that two or more artists will take a request, and post a sig; we need to consider the bandwidth, and try to maintain some level of communication so that this is the exception, rather than the norm.
3. Remember that some modifications are expected. The users who request a sig have a mental vision of what they want. Our job is to bring that vision to life. Don’t take offense to someone asking for a few REASONABLE changes.
4. Most of us have been doing this long enough that it isn’t unreasonable for a user to request a particular person. When this happens, let the requested artist handle the sig.
5. Once again, please limit the posting of sigs to those who are recognized members of the SSM, or those who have been offered a tryout.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:01:06


Please help us, to help you by giving up some basic information. While we appreciate your faith in us, please try to refrain from requests like, “I don’t care what you put in it, as long as it’s cool”. That will assure you that you’ll get something that is reflective of OUR personality, not yours. The more specific you can be will assure that you will be happy with the sig you end up with. Also note that each member of the SSM collective has a distinct, and different style. Your specifications will help us to figure out whose style is best suited to your request.

Sometimes, due to the physical, and file size restraints on the bbs will make it impossible to create exactly what you request. In these cases we will make every effort to get as close to what you want as possible.

We generally are not in the practice of posting several sigs for one person. It’s inevitable that this will occur from time to time, but please don’t ask for several of us to make you one so that you can pick the one you like the most. We’re not here to compete with one another. If you would like a specific person to make your sig, just say so. None of us will take offense. You can take a look at some examples of each artists work by clicking on the sig pic below, and following the links; or you can click on the sig pic of the artist you’re interested in.

Once your sig is posted, it’s not unusual for a few minor adjustments to be requested. Please take a good look at your sig, and make sure that the adjustments you ask for are reasonable, and that you address all of them. The best way to get on our bad side is to ask us to retool your sig over, and over. Finally, once you have your sig, Use it for a little while. I’d say a couple of weeks would be a reasonable time frame. If frequent name changes are your thing, then try requesting one that doesn’t have your name in it. If you really have your heart set on a new sig every day, you might consider downloading one of the many good graphics programs, and learning to make them for yourself.

Profile pics
If you’d like one, most of us are willing to do them, provided we aren’t swamped with requests.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:01:17

Ahh finally some rulez and guidelines this will work 10 times better. w00t!

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:07:37

Drat, you beat me to it DBF. Much hopes for the future success of the SSM.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:08:53

J3n says "ogm i am liek soooo uber excited for you guys and when i am unbanned i will come and buy a new sig everyday :wacko: so where are your price charts?"

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:14:02

I'm glad to be a part of this group of designers. The talent overfloweth. So, any requests for the SSM?

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:16:42

Oh man, you better believe you can feel juices pumping.

Finally a bit of decorum around these parts. Rules. Guidelines. That tingly feeling you get when things are what they should be.

This is a fine day indeed. Now let us bow our heads in remembrance for the 'Anybody need a New Sig' topics last few moments...

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:16:45

What programs do you guys use? I'm not bad with sigs I think, but I just want to know what you use :)

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:36:38

At 8/19/03 12:16 PM, -Z- wrote: This is a fine day indeed. Now let us bow our heads in remembrance for the 'Anybody need a New Sig' topics last few moments...

170 pages, 33,785 views, 5,098 replies...incredible success for a topic that I made to keep me busy for a day or two...lol

there are a couple of requests still hanging in that topic though. I noted in my final post over there that we'd finish them up, and post them over here.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:40:03

At 8/19/03 12:16 PM, ClawfingeR wrote: What programs do you guys use? I'm not bad with sigs I think, but I just want to know what you use :)

As your a legend on NG, I'll give you the benefit of not going on about how many times this has been asked.

This is the only time I expect to have to answer this question.

I use Adobe Photoshop 7 for the main background and text and then Flash for any animations.

War Machine uses Paintshop Pro 8 I believe and Animation Shop.

The Hatter uses something called ULead Gif Animator, which I'd never heard of until he mentioned it.

I think that about covers it, some people use different variations and such. I'm sure if anybody else uses something different they'll say so.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 12:47:01

At 8/19/03 12:40 PM, -Z- wrote: As your a legend on NG, I'll give you the benefit of not going on about how many times this has been asked.

Hmm..sorry, I didn't check your big topic much...thanks :)

This is the only time I expect to have to answer this question.

I won't ask the same question again :)

I use Adobe Photoshop 7 for the main background and text and then Flash for any animations.

War Machine uses Paintshop Pro 8 I believe and Animation Shop.

I use that too

The Hatter uses something called ULead Gif Animator, which I'd never heard of until he mentioned it.

I used that in the past, I didn't really like it

I think that about covers it, some people use different variations and such. I'm sure if anybody else uses something different they'll say so.

Okay, thanks

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:06:29

Wow, I guess I get to post the first "official" SSM sig? I feel like I won the lottery...lol

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:07:46

Want your first new member vote? Ask DBF about me and my sigs.

"A witty quote proves nothing."


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:17:48

oh yeah buddy, the first sig request goes to...... MICHELINMAN!!!

ok, i want a sig, animated, michelinman on it standing on a wall waving his arms like he's gonna fall. then maybe the wall says michelinman on it or something, i dont know really. basically just an update of the one i already have. what have you got in mind you sinister sig makers you.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:28:17

At 8/19/03 01:07 PM, TheShrike wrote: Want your first new member vote? Ask DBF about me and my sigs.

Hey DBF, what is it with Shrike's sigs? Why do they speak to me in tounges? Ahhh damn I did it again!

At 8/19/03 12:16 PM, ClawfingeR wrote: What programs do you guys use? I'm not bad with sigs I think, but I just want to know what you use :)

I use sticks and dirt 2.0 I sketch them out, then jump on Microsoft Excel for the text. If someone wants an animation I'll bust out my abbacus. And the rest is magic.

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:36:08

War_Machine? Can I make the test to come into your group? I'm currently making a test sig for you :)

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:42:29

At 8/19/03 01:07 PM, TheShrike wrote: Want your first new member vote? Ask DBF about me and my sigs.

He's hiding from us right now...lol I'll catch up with him when he get's back online.

At 8/19/03 01:28 PM, Incredible_Hulk wrote: If someone wants an animation I'll bust out my abbacus.

Go abbacus. lol

This is another carryover from the general thread...

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:47:32

Hatter, unable to join us has asked that I post the following for him:

"I'm glad this is finally here. I see we've already got a couple entry requests. As soon as I'm off my ban, around... 4 am wednsday morning, I'll come and join you guys. That's all for now, long live the SSM! I love j00 Incarnation."

That hatter, .. so silly.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 13:59:08

hey i need a banned sig just in case i get banned.so like here it is i need a pimpish background and it sez BIG PIMPIN is banned or just something kool like that.
ok thanks in advance whoever does it

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:00:29

At 8/19/03 01:47 PM, -Incarnation- wrote: I love j00 Incarnation."

Would you two like to be alone?? lmao I must have misunderstood, because I thought he would be back a little sooner than that, but no problem, he's a valuable member of this thing, and I'm looking forward to his return. (no more posting in Binary!!)

Now as for the shrike, and clawfinger...dragon claw...Hell, Kornfreaker (sorry, forgot your new tag); and anyone else interested in joining the crew; bear with us, cause we haven't quite ironed out the process ofr new members yet.

Also, I've had an offer for an official SSM web page. It would be a place for us to display a few sigs, and (I assume) a launching point to our individual pages. I spoke to a couple of you yeasterday, but because I was busy trying to crash my own system, I didn't get up with everybody. If you're all in agreement, I'll look into it, and get some specifics...

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:05:24

Shrikes stuff is really good me and him are supposed to be making a game together but its still in the works.

And only 6 days to SoulCaliber2

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:23:07

At 8/19/03 02:00 PM, War_Machine wrote:

Also, I've had an offer for an official SSM web page. It would be a place for us to display a few sigs, and (I assume) a launching point to our individual pages.

Official SSM page? Hmm, sounds like a plan to me. I always figured your page was kind of the "Official" page.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:25:19

well that would make it so you wouldnt have to wait 30 minutes to post again...................................

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:53:00

At 8/19/03 02:05 PM, DarkBlueFlame wrote: Shrikes stuff is really good me and him are supposed to be making a game together but its still in the works.

Speaking of, I still need some animations for that.. LEARN FLASH, damnit! I know you'd go far if you took the time.

And only 6 days to SoulCaliber2

W00t! This game is the reason I'll be buying an Xbox. I hate microsoft, and I'm going to hate selling my PS2.

The Sinister Sig Makers

"A witty quote proves nothing."


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:54:22

hey, thats a graphic looking spawn

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:56:52

Thanks much War_Machine.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 14:59:40

At 8/19/03 01:17 PM, michelinman wrote: ok, i want a sig, animated, michelinman on it standing on a wall waving his arms like he's gonna fall. then maybe the wall says michelinman on it or something, i dont know really. basically just an update of the one i already have. what have you got in mind you sinister sig makers you.

hey what about me?

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 15:12:20

At 8/19/03 01:17 PM, michelinman wrote: oh yeah buddy, the first sig request goes to...... MICHELINMAN!!!

I'm thinking this one is better suited for one of our "custom" guys...

At 8/19/03 01:59 PM, -FaTbOy- wrote: hey i need a banned sig just in case i get banned.so like here it is i need a pimpish background and it sez BIG PIMPIN is banned or just something kool like that.
ok thanks in advance whoever does it

This OK?

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 15:15:58

At 8/19/03 02:53 PM, TheShrike wrote: W00t! This game is the reason I'll be buying an Xbox. I hate microsoft, and I'm going to hate selling my PS2.

I've been seeing some new Spawn, and Link animated gifs around some of my usual haunts. Looks like there's gonna be a new series of Spawn sigs for me, soon. woo hoo!!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 15:34:04

At 8/19/03 02:00 PM, War_Machine wrote: anyone interested in joining the crew; bear with us, cause we haven't quite ironed out the process ofr new members yet.

I was wondering about that actually. We should have big red warning lights that spin round and flash and shit and say, 'New Member Approaching' and then we look up at it all serious like and then jump of into our secret hidden awesomeness caves to don our super-costumes to have an emergency meeting with tea and biscuits and all that crap. And we get into an arguement and one of us bangs our fist on the table and says, 'Damn it man, that just isn't possible!' and then after that two of us get all heated and end up doing that staring at each other really close up face to face thing, and another guy would be like, 'Hey guys, we're in this together. Put aside your petty differences, for the good of the world,' and all the other guys would be like, 'Yeah!' and then we'd all be friends again and stuff. Yeah, that'd be cool.

So erm...what are we gonna do about it?