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Amature sig makers

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Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:25:35

At 7/26/06 02:18 PM, Happie_lil_hippie wrote: Bye Bye forever dudes

The ASM isn't getting locked or deleted, I protest. The only one who can make that decision is "isthatlegal."

You guys aren't "members" of this "club." If you don't like the spam leave, I'll fill in requests from now on.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:27:18

Dude, guys, why are you all marching around as if someone said it should be locked?

I've always said it should be locked and STARTED AGAIN, WITH A BETTER FIRST POST.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:28:11

At 7/26/06 02:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Dude, guys, why are you all marching around as if someone said it should be locked?

I've always said it should be locked and STARTED AGAIN, WITH A BETTER FIRST POST.

Who would make it?

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:33:33

At 7/26/06 02:30 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 02:28 PM, Acid-Rain wrote:
At 7/26/06 02:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Dude, guys, why are you all marching around as if someone said it should be locked?

I've always said it should be locked and STARTED AGAIN, WITH A BETTER FIRST POST.
Who would make it?
the best sig maker here, probably.

that can't be determined...

but i could PM isthatlegal

and this whole ideas pretty pointless anyways we already ahve a topic... a 2,339 paged topic. What this place needs is a regular operated website.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:36:20

At 7/26/06 02:35 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 02:33 PM, evil-c wrote: What this place needs is a regular operated website.
I volunteer... i have a little experience with websites... but someone else would probably be better off doing it.

Well I can do just about anythin with HTML, and i can make layouts pretty well and I know flash so...

We could work together.

We need a host though...

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:38:30

This is the cheapest professional hosting I could find

Or i could talk to an old pal, he could hook us up

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:39:29

At 7/26/06 02:18 PM, Happie_lil_hippie wrote: Bye Bye forever dudes

dude dont say that

At 7/26/06 02:33 PM, evil-c wrote:
At 7/26/06 02:30 PM, -Slasher- wrote:
At 7/26/06 02:28 PM, Acid-Rain wrote:
At 7/26/06 02:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Dude, guys, why are you all marching around as if someone said it should be locked?

I've always said it should be locked and STARTED AGAIN, WITH A BETTER FIRST POST.
Who would make it?
the best sig maker here, probably.
that can't be determined...

but i could PM isthatlegal

and this whole ideas pretty pointless anyways we already ahve a topic... a 2,339 paged topic. What this place needs is a regular operated website.

weve tried and failed several times
really the only reason this topic has survived is because of how lawless its been
this topoic alone has beaten everysig thread ever made
isthatlegal is the leader but he knows he used the right set of rules when he made this place
all you can do is not be afraid to report some asshole who wont stop posting even after everyone has asked him to stop
basically i feel we should ust let it be...aftyer all this time the only thing that worked was nothing short of if you feel like comming in to make sometin then go right ahead...

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:42:52


Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:43:15


Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:46:56

At 7/26/06 02:44 PM, -Slasher- wrote: well, i think we should just continue what we're doing, and if it DOES happen to get locked (which i highly doubt) THEN we should think about making a website. you know, and adveritse in the sig maker's sigs, maybe link them all to the site once we give them to people.

in the meantime, we should just start reporting idiots who come here to spam, as i said before and many have said before me.

but remebr to be carefull how often soemone reports a spammer
to much reporting and well get locked

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:51:38

At 7/26/06 02:18 PM, Happie_lil_hippie wrote: Bye Bye forever dudes

Don't say that :[
If that happened then there would be like, no sig threads.
BSM = teh meh, it can't be the only one.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 14:53:23

I wanna point something out. Don't call someone a spammer for showing off their artwork. Do you make sigs to show of your art or just to make them? Just help people out, review their work. Everyone loves critic...

I don't make the rules here so I'll just incorporate a "please" down here.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:02:20

At 7/26/06 02:59 PM, esko_man wrote: infact many mods do mention the ASM getting locked

dude fuck that shit
jsut drop the subject and make some mroe sigs
and i bet we wont get locke dif people dont talk about it and jsut do what were here to do

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:10:42

Ummmmm, A Liquid Snake sig would be fine Could you put in it "The brother of dark in it. Also stick dojack in there somewhere

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:17:25

Hey guys, havent been here for quite awile now, and im in need of a new sig. just make it with The worm with the jetpack be on the left and then the Puple dude of dad n' me on the right, but flip him so hes facing right. and make thier backrounds both BLACK like the worm. and then put H2Oclock In white, and place it in the middle. thanks.
PS: you CAN shrink the pics to fit fully.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:23:08

by "bye bye forever ASM" i meant i wasnt coming back. But all this talk bout an ew website has given me an idea. How about a seperate forum for the ASM which we dont get this locked we just all start using that (after posting link on here) and try and redivert all our traffic there. That way will would have much more control over what we do..

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:23:36

At 7/26/06 03:17 PM, H2Oclock wrote: request

K, gimmie a couple minutes :|

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:30:06

Yes and then sig makers such as -tkinney- turkeybean and liamski_noir could be admins then the other regular sig makers, such as maybe myself, can be mods. Then all other sig makers cna be mebers and requesters can just be guests.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:33:51

Hey guys, havent been here for quite awile now, and im in need of a new sig. just make it with The worm with the jetpack be on the left and then the Puple dude of dad n' me on the right, but flip him so hes facing right. and make thier backrounds both BLACK like the worm. and then put H2Oclock In white, and place it in the middle. thanks.
:PS: you CAN shrink the pics to fit fully.
guys dont shut down and if u are, can u pleze make my sig be4 u do!!!!

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:39:46

Hello, hello. Could anyone make a steel electric 4 string guitar, with my name in some kind of kickass font running along the lines?

In black and white too, thanks.

Right behind you

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:41:00

At 7/26/06 03:36 PM, EscapeFromReality wrote: Hey guys, this may be a shitty idea, or maybe a good one, but if you want, i can set you up with a forum on my site, fully hosted and such, until you guys can find someone willing to get hosting, and you can set up a website.

If anyone is interested, just Pm or AIM me.

Aim : OnnetNG

honestly, i couldnt wait... i already made one...


but if it doesnt work out, we'll contact you!

do you guys want to actually do the forum thing?

PS- this is -slasher-. im on my alt.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:42:04

We dont want 1 yet! i am giong to talk to liamski_noir -tkinney- and maybe TurkeyBean and see what they think.

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:43:12

At 7/26/06 03:26 PM, -Slasher- wrote: thats what i said. like, we make a website, advertise in our sigs, link to the site, and tell people we make sigs for to link to the site.

Pointless, its to much of a hassle.

I know newgrounds, and it wouldnt work. Trust me. The best idea is to enforce stricter guidelines in a new thread.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:44:35

At 7/26/06 03:23 PM, Mad-Cow wrote:
At 7/26/06 03:17 PM, H2Oclock wrote: request
K, gimmie a couple minutes :|

Ok, I added some blood, since the sig was so damn boring.
But if you want me to take it out, I can.

Amature sig makers

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:44:59

At 7/26/06 03:43 PM, Goliath- wrote: I know newgrounds, and it wouldnt work. Trust me. The best idea is to enforce stricter guidelines in a new thread.

or just this thread...

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:53:06

Ok, here's the skinny. This is how I envisage the ideal ASM.

1. This ASM gets locked.
2. Some sig maker (any of us) makes the new ASM, complete with:
--- Rules - what not to post (eg "hey its been 30 mins wheres my sig)
--- Guidelines - how to request
--- Guidelines for sig makers - how to respond to spammers (eg, report, and dont post anything),
3. We all have a naked tea party.

Same anyone can request, anyone can make ethos.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:53:56

At 7/20/06 02:54 PM, Turkeybean wrote: <A new sig thread>
I completely agree that we need one. A coupleof us need to get togetherand really talk about this. We could all benifit from the fresh start. Liam and -thinney- we need to try and bang some things out if we are really going to give this a try. There will be a lot of ground work to be done. I do not feel this should be laid out in a day. I do think it can be done. I will just have to bribe a mod to let it live.

I think between a handfull of us here, we can do this. We can base it around the SSMR. It would be able to survive and strive due to our loyality to the task and the need for us to have it. I really want to see this happen. It may be an extreme measure, but not so much that is is past the point of reason. I am full in on the project if you all would like me to help. Just let me know.

i have not been active on Newgrounds for a good 2 to 3 weeks,, first weeks because of a brief summer job ( 7 days work, €800 ----> score ! ), and the rest because i've been tired and i also hate the fact that every time i log in, theres a fresh 60 pages filled to the top with incredibly sub-par sigs, mindless chit chat, and (yes this word gets thrown around a lot, but... ) spam.

anyway, im just publicly giving my opinion that a new proper sig Club ( note: club, have to join ) would be a good idea.

and i say -TKinney- should look after who joins, or at least have a major say in it... because his hardass attitude, and zero tolerance to shite siggers is seriously needed.

as a wise man once said - " i don't know whats i be doin'... "

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 15:57:38

At 7/26/06 03:53 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Ok, here's the skinny. This is how I envisage the ideal ASM.

1. This ASM gets locked.
2. Some sig maker (any of us) makes the new ASM, complete with:

I think we should think up all the rules and agree one them and stuff first.

--- Rules - what not to post (eg "hey its been 30 mins wheres my sig)
--- Guidelines - how to request
--- Guidelines for sig makers - how to respond to spammers (eg, report, and dont post anything),

Yeah that makes sense. This idea actually sounds pretty good, perhaps we should actually go through with it :o

3. We all have a naked tea party.

Sounds sexy.

Same anyone can request, anyone can make ethos.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:02:32

Okay guys, i talked to Liam on msn and he is out of the idea as he is out of the ASM, so who votes we start the new website?

The rules real remain the same except for the time for the "wheres my sig!" shit..

Response to Amature sig makers 2006-07-26 16:05:15

At 7/26/06 04:02 PM, Happie_lil_hippie wrote: Okay guys, i talked to Liam on msn and he is out of the idea as he is out of the ASM, so who votes we start the new website?

The rules real remain the same except for the time for the "wheres my sig!" shit..

That's a stupid idea, to start an new website when all that needs to be made is a new topic with a better first post.
It would probably confuse people if there was a new website, and there'd be a lot of "HoW do i G3t A siG lol??" topics everywhere :\

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature